
How to handle WCF in push and pull the heavy data from SQL

madduriraja sekhar

madduriraja sekhar

Oct 8 2014 5:47 AM
I have question which is prescribed in bullet points
  • In my Asp application I need to push 1000 records at at a time   to Sql via WCF service in form of Class object
  • The Entity object communication is purely class object and serelizable
  • The service reference configuration is Array
  • I configured web config file  at client UI side by increasing array length,readerquotas,stream reader at max level 20k
  • It able to send 50 records at a time to sql via WCF with out time bound error .
  • The binding i implemented is BasicHttpBinding .
  • Less than or equal to 50 records it fine to push the records 50 through wcf with Array configuration
  • But in future i need to push more than 10K i am surprize WCF failing with above scenerio kindly help me

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