
How to insert TEXT into an existing .txt file, everytime they click on the LOGIN button? With out deleting any existing text in the file. TY =D

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thiago costa

thiago costa

Hello there, I have a code below, ... When you click on that BUTTON(the code button) I would like to be able to INSERT
TIME , DATE , and IP, into a TEXT file, into the next empty line, with out deleting what was inside of the text file, and then, upload that text file somewhere,  .... I am going to give this software to about 14 people, and I would like to log each time they log in to it. Any other ideas? if not, how do I do this? ...

Thank you in advance for your help.

private void buttonLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string password = textBoxPassword.Text;
            if (SQLDataAccess.ValidateConnection("Account", password) == true)
                SQLDataAccess.Password = password;
                MessageBox.Show("Login Successful");
                textBoxPassword.Text = "";
                textBoxPassword.UseSystemPasswordChar = false;
                FormCollection fc = Application.OpenForms;

                foreach (Form ff in fc)

                    if (ff.Name == "Form1")
                        ((Form1)(ff)).label1.Text = "Input Box";


                MessageBox.Show("Login failed");

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