
how to show all Records Datewise in windows application c#

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how to show all Records Datewise in windows application c#
if double click on month
then open new form and show date wise all records in windows application c#
Month Query is
Select ROW_NUMBER() over(ORDER BY DATENAME(MONTH, convert(datetime,Date,105))+'-'+DATENAME(year, convert(datetime,Date,105)) ASC) as ID,
DATENAME(MONTH, convert(datetime,Date,105))+'-'+DATENAME(year, convert(datetime,Date,105)) as Month,
sum(case when Amount='' then 0 else cast(isnull(Amount,0) as numeric(18,2)) end) as Amount,
sum(case when Addcost='' then 0 else cast(isnull(Addcost,0) as numeric(18,2)) end) as Addcost ,
sum(case when Discount='' then 0 else cast(isnull(Discount,0) as numeric(18,2)) end) as Discount ,
sum(case when Tax_Amount='' then 0 else cast(isnull(Tax_Amount,0) as numeric(18,2)) end) as Tax_Amount,
sum(case when Total_Amount=''then 0 else cast(isnull(Total_Amount,0) as numeric(18,2)) end)as Total_Amount from MainBillForm
where Sno=0 group by DATENAME(MONTH, convert(datetime,Date,105))+'-'+DATENAME(year, convert(datetime,Date,105)),
order by Year(Convert(datetime,Date,105)),month(Convert(datetime,Date,105))

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