
My publisher policy file is not redirecting assembly binding to the new version of an assembly in the GAC until after the server is rebooted.

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I could sure use some help on this one:

.Net 2.0

I have created an assembly that is used by several different programs and is stored in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). When I update this assembly I need all of the applications that reference it to bind to the latest version so I create a publisher policy file that redirects all old versions to the newest version. I link this file and install it in the GAC using the gacutil.exe program.

The problem is that after uploading both the new assembly and the publisher policy file to the GAC the application referencing the assembly are not being redirected to the new assembly until after the server is rebooted.

I have used the same technique on the 1.1 framework many times and have never had any problems. I have been working on the for a few days now and I am out of ideas.

Thanks for any input you may have.