
need a bit of help with VB.NET to C# Conversion [.Net 2.0]

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I need a bit of help converting this section of VB.NET Code to C#.NET,any help will be appreciated i'm still learning alot and adjusting to the C# Syntex...

Here is the VB.NET Section::

Private Sub Socket_DataArrival(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As AxMSWinsockLib.DMSWinsockControlEvents_DataArrivalEvent) Handles Socket.DataArrival

Dim Index As Short = Socket.GetIndex(eventSender)



If Mid(Buffer(Index), 12, 1) = "W" Then

Sessionkey(Index) = Mid(Buffer(Index), 17, 4)

ChallengeString(Index) = Mid(Buffer(Index), 30 + Len(ClientID(Index)), Len(Buffer(Index)) - 29)

ChallengeString(Index) = Replace(ChallengeString(Index), "?13?1?", "")

Call GetStrings(ClientID(Index), Password(Index), ChallengeString(Index), Crypt1(Index), Crypt2(Index), 1)

Socket(Index).SendData(Login(ClientID(Index), Crypt1(Index), Crypt2(Index), Sessionkey(Index)))

ElseIf Mid(Buffer(Index), 12, 1) = "T" Then

statz.Items.Item(1).Text = ClientID(Index) & ""


ElseIf Mid(Buffer(Index), 12, 1) = "U" Then


Sessionkey(Index) = Mid(Buffer(Index), 17, 4)

statz.Items.Item(2).Text = CStr(CDbl(statz.Items.Item(2).Text) + 1)

statz.Items.Item(1).Text = "Status: " & ClientID(Index) & ""

End If

End Sub

Now here is the Section of C# that i have Translated over,but their are a few sections that might be wrong.And is currently giving me some problems...I havent Completely Moved over that Entire Block of VB.NET to C#,I have stopped at the Socket(Index).SendData part...

C# Code Block::

private void Socket_DataArrival(object sender, EventArgs e)


short index;

newsock.Receive(buffer, 0, SocketFlags.None);


if (String.Format(LoginMod.LoginMod.Buffer[index], 12, 1) == "W")

LoginMod.LoginMod.SessionKey[index] = String.Format("{17}, {4}", LoginMod.LoginMod.Buffer[index]);

LoginMod.LoginMod.ChallengeString[index] = String.Format("{30},{4}", LoginMod.LoginMod.Buffer[index],


Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToByte(LoginMod.LoginMod.Buffer[index]) - 29));

LoginMod.LoginMod.ChallengeString[index] = String.Format(LoginMod.LoginMod.ChallengeString[index], "?13?1?", "");

LoginMod.LoginMod.GetStrings(); /*This Section for the Call GetStrings in VB.NET*/

string Login = LoginMod.LoginMod.ClientID[index];

string Crypt1 = LoginMod.LoginMod.Crypt1[index];

string Crypt2 = LoginMod.LoginMod.Crypt2[index];

string SessionKey = LoginMod.LoginMod.Password[index];

int mode = 1;

newsock.Send(LoginMod.LoginMod.Login(ref ClientID, ref Crypt1, ref Crypt2, ref SessionKey));

Now everything above here in C# like the GetStrings,Crypt1 Etc all exist in the LoginMod.cs.The LoginMod.LoginMod.GetStrings() when i put information in their ,only parts that show up in the intelli-sence is ClientID and Password..Nothing Else Example
Str1,Str2,Crypt1,Crypt2,SessionKey Etc...

Last Section that giving me a bit of trouble is the newsock.Send()  "Error: Cannot Convert String to byte[]"...This could be Caused because of this section of code::

private void Socket_ConnectionEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)


byte[] ClientID = new byte[1024];

newsock.Send(ClientID, ClientID.Length, SocketFlags.None);


Translasted again from VB.NET::

Private Sub Socket_ConnectEvent(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) Handles Socket.ConnectEvent

Dim Index As Short = Socket.GetIndex(eventSender)


End Sub

The ClientID is Declared in 2 Areas 1: on the Form as: public string ClientID 
                                                               2: on the LoginMod.cs  as: public static string[] ClientID = new string [1001];