
Object moved to here - C# login page error



Aug 23 2017 8:24 AM
I face a wierd error intermittently for some users , when i hit the URL. In the pageload event of the code , i am redirecting it to the login URL returned to me , by calling a webservice. Snapshot below
Response.Redirect("string loginurl returned by webservice");
For some users, it just redirects it fine without this error. For some users, I face below error. 
I tried to use below options by referring some links but doesn't work
1. Response.RedirectPermanent();
2. Set the 2nd parameter to false in Response.Redirect(); 
3. Set Response.Flush();
4. Set Response.RedirectLocation = "url";
5. Cleared browser cache history
Any assistance would be really helpful. Looking forward to your advice, please. Thanks. 

Answers (2)