
On WPF in C#.NET

satish babu

satish babu

this is task on wpf not binding the data to the textboxes from front end the table cols data is added only through xaml

1.  Bind _vehicle object fields to front-end "Create" tab-item.
2.  In "Modify" Tab-item,  When you click on "GetData" buton, call web service GetVehicleDetails(), ofcourse, get vehicle details returns some dummy values. Create a _vehicle object for the data received and bind the object to front-end, i.e., "Modify" Tab-item. You should be able to see the fetched details in the front-end.  
3.  And when you modify some of the fields in the "Modify" tab-item and click "Update" button, call web sevice UpdateVehicle
4.  List of WebService is as follow:
a.  public int CreateVehicle(Vehicle vehicle)
b.  public Vehicle GetVehicleDetails(int id)
c.  public int UpdateVehicle(Vehicle vehicle)
d.  public List<Vehicle> GetVehicleList()
pls send the replies

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