
Overwhelmed - Need Advice - DOS Programmer Starting Over

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Please forgive me if this post seems depressive... I am at a standstill and feel totally overwhelmed in what direction I should go.
I realize there are many developers here who do not want to field such a question, but I'm at a point where I need to swallow my pride and admit I'm licked.
I have been out of the programming environment for many years. I've written and sold numerous Shareware applications back in the days of DOS and was somewhat successful. Because of my Shareware software, I was able to land a great job with Central Point Software as a TS rep and I later moved into Quality Assurance when CPS was bought out by Symantec Corporation. (Norton Antivirus). I worked for Symantec as a QA Engineer for many years.
Now, I say this only to let you know I do have extensive background in the Software Development environment... but not from a Windows Programming stance.
Over the last couple of years, I've been playing around with the notion of getting back into the software development world and bought VS 2008 a year ago. I've been learning C# and playing around in the Window Forms environment, but haven't really done anything other than just create some Forms with canned C# code generated by VS 2008.
I now want to do this right and learning how to develop Window applications is a learning experience all it's own. I am not sure what direction to go. I wish to develop a SQL DB application with all the functionality of Search/Replace/Update/Add/Etc... This application is going to be a rewrite of an old successful DOS application I've already written so the concept if already there, but I need to port the principle into a Windows Appliation... Overwhelming.
Like I mentioned, I have a very beginner knowledge of C# and VS Forms.
I recently purchased two books to help me with Window Forms and Data base programming. The first book is called "Data Binding with Window Forms 2.0 - Brian Noyes" and the other is "Window Forms 2.0 Programming - Chris Sells".
I've read that these are great books, but they're geared towards .NET 2.0 not 3.0 and it makes me wonder if I will get caught up in between both .NET worlds.
So, here is my question... Given what I've mentioned here and if you were just starting out in Windows Programming, what would you do to keep confusion or the feeling of being overwhelmed at bay or at a minimum?
In other words, where would you start or what would you suggest I do from start to finish in order to achieve success in my software development.
Does anyone have a good book(s) or resource that will help me get over this overwhelmed feeling. I need it/them to be in sync with VS2008, SQL DB and C#.
Thanks in advance for fielding this question and helping this old DOS programmer come into the 21st Century.

Answers (2)