
Problem With Yahoo Login with open authentication

Deepak Pandey

Deepak Pandey


I am using this code to for request token to use Sign in With yahoo using Oenid
this code is showing errorerror "oauth_problem=consumer_key_rejected"

what is wrong with code and what will be the correct code
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private void MakeRequestForToken()
string consumerKey =ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["YahooConsumerKey"];
string consumerSecret =ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["YahooConsumerSecret"];

string requestTokenEndpoint = "https://api.login.yahoo.com/oauth/v2/get_request_token";
string requestTokenCallback = GetRouteableUrlFromRelativeUrl("YahooValidation.aspx/authorizeToken/yahoo/");
string authorizeTokenUrl = "https://api.login.yahoo.com/oauth/v2/request_auth";

// Step 1: Make the call to request a token
var oAuthConsumer = new OAuthConsumerNew();
var requestToken = oAuthConsumer.GetOAuthRequestToken(requestTokenEndpoint, realm, consumerKey, consumerSecret, requestTokenCallback);

// Step 2: Make a the call to authorize the request token
Response.Redirect(authorizeTokenUrl + "?oauth_token=" + requestToken.Token);

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private void HandleAuthorizeTokenResponse()
string consumerKey =ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["YahooConsumerKey"];
//string consumerSecret =ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["YahooConsumerSecret"];

string token = Request.QueryString["oauth_token"];
string verifier = Request.QueryString["oauth_verifier"];
string accessTokenEndpoint = "https://api.login.yahoo.com/oauth/v2/request_auth";

// Exchange the Request Token for an Access Token
var oAuthConsumer = new OAuthConsumerNew();

var accessToken = oAuthConsumer.GetOAuthAccessToken(accessTokenEndpoint, realm, consumerKey, consumerSecret, token, verifier, GetRequesttoken().TokenSecret);

var responseText = oAuthConsumer.GetUserInfo("https://www.yahoo.com/userinfo/email", realm, consumerKey, consumerSecret, accessToken.Token, accessToken.TokenSecret);

string queryString = responseText;
NameValueCollection nvc = StringToNameValueCollection(responseText);

if (nvc["email"] != "")
string userName = "";
//string password = "";
userName = nvc["email"].ToString();

and what will be the string accessTokenEndpoint = "https://api.login.yahoo.com/oauth/v2/request_auth";

Is this accessTokenEndpoint retrive user information like userid,firstname and lastname
or if this will not return this value then what should use to get resired result form yahoo login


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