
Regex for unknown number of lines - Assistance Request

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16 years ago

I am trying to parse a log file using regular expressions and I ran into a challenge.  The section of the log file has a distinct beginning and a distinct end, but the number of lines in between might vary.

Is there a way I can use regular expressions to pull the beginning of the section, the end of the section and everything in between regardless of the number of lines and or characters?

 Here is an example of what I am trying to parse out:

 ******* script runtime error *******
type undefined is not a vector: (file 'k3/_laserguided.gsc', line 120)
 playfx(level.fx_guided_exp,trace["position"]); //,trace["normal"]); // SOMETIMES IT PLAYS WRONG DIR o_O
Error: started from:
(file 'k3/_laserguided.gsc', line 91)
 wait 0.05;
Error: ************************************

 In some cases, there are more than one errors listed in the body after ‘script runtime error’ and ‘Error:’

Any help would be appreciated.

Answers (3)