
regioning, drag'n'drop & saving drafts

mihai mihai

mihai mihai

Hello! I’m working at an e-learning project for kinder gardens. The application has 2 parts: one for the teacher, in which he/she prepares lessons (the main point is that little kids learn fast, so the teacher must be ready to give them something new every time!) and one for the kids, in which they get to work with the created lessons (this part has to be very stable, as it’s mostly about drag’n’drop and little kids don’t really have boundaries in their actions!). The teacher prepares the lesson this way: he/she chooses firstly the background image, e.g. a picture with a sky, some trees and a lake. Then he/she selects some objects, such as a bird, a sun, a fish, etc. These objects are addressed directly to the kids: they will have to match them where they belong! (with drag’n’drop). For instance, the object “sun” can only be dragged where the sky is (otherwise the drag’n’drop action doesn’t complete), the object “bird” can only be placed in the sky or in the tree (if it is placed upon the water, that is wrong). I thought that the teacher simulates in a way the role of an administrator for the application, better said for the lessons he creates! Therefore, he/she has to be able to upload the background image, to determine its various regions (sky, lake and tree in the example above) ant then to upload the various objects he/she finds suited for the matching he/she has in mind for that particular lesson – these objects will be the ones dragged and, if correct, also dropped upon the various regions already determined, in the background image. When starting the lesson, the kids will see the background image and next to it a panel with all the objects. They will then have to match them all correctly by drag’n’drop. Here are my questions: 1) How can I determine the various regions of the background picture and then save them each under certain names? 2) Then, after also uploading the objects, how can I link them to specific regions (something like rules to be followed later by the kids)? (e.g.: for the sky region only the “sun” and the “bird” objects are allowed, but not the “fish”, nor the “flower” objects are!) 3) How can I save an unfinished lesson, so that the teacher will complete it later, opening it in the workspace? Thanks a lot! I hope my questions raised you interest and curiosity and challenged you to help me with your answers!