
Retriving Specific Values From A XML File By Using Queries

Rajeev Chowdary

Rajeev Chowdary

Mar 25 2009 7:05 AM
Hello To All Of you . My name is rajeev . i am very new to .NET And XML

Recently i was created a windows application that 2 textboxe's and 1 submit button .
when a user fill the values and click the button those values are stored in MS SQL SERVER 2000 .

And Create An Another application Called GridView To Retrive The Specific Data By Using select *from ******* ;

From this it is perfectly OK . . . ..

Now The Problem Starts With XML

The same application that i have created with XML instead of SqlServer2000

I Perfectly Entered values into XML File

i can retrive all values BUT NOT SPECIFIC Values . Please Can Any One Help Me ...............