
Showing Dataset's Current Record in Datagrid

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fahad memon

fahad memon


Friends I m working on vb.net ado.net oledb, I have also added datagrid Control to my form

 I want to Datagrid to Show Current Record of Dataset when we click Next Button , then Data grid also should move to next record, as was in vb6. adodc and datagrid wer Connected at a time, when we used to press next btn on adodc control data grid also moved to next record, or when we used to click any record from datagrid adodc's recordset also moved to that clicked record, i want to use these vb6 charactaristics in vb.net please help with this

for retriving database from .Mdb file i used following code


'decleared Name Space

Imports System.Data.OleDb



'Dicleared Variabls in Class  Form1


Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection


    Dim ds As New DataSet

    Dim da As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter

    Dim sql As String

    Dim inc As Integer

    Dim MaxRows As Integer



'created Navigate Records() 'class

txtSno.Text = ds.Tables("SLAPhonebook").Rows(inc).Item("SNo")

        txtName.Text = ds.Tables("SLAPhonebook").Rows(inc).Item("Name")

        txtLastName.Text = ds.Tables("SLAPhonebook").Rows(inc).Item("LastName")

        txtOrganization.Text = ds.Tables("SLAPhonebook").Rows(inc).Item("Organization")

' and so on...


' on form load () event i put following coding

con.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\SLAPhonebook.mdb"

        sql = "Select * From sla"

        da = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sql, con)

        da.Fill(ds, "SLAPhonebook")

        MaxRows = ds.Tables("SLAPhonebook").Rows.Count

inc = -1



' here i connected all text boxes to '0' row of ds.tables(rows) to show first row, as follows



txtSno.Text = ds.Tables("SLAPhonebook").Rows(0).Item("SNo")

        txtName.Text = ds.Tables("SLAPhonebook").Rows(0).Item("Name")

        txtLastName.Text = ds.Tables("SLAPhonebook").Rows(0).Item("LastName")



'here in formload event i also binded data grid with dataset

DataGrid1.SetDataBinding(ds, "sla")

DataGrid1.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)




'friends every thing is working fine, but when i click to move next record in table, it moves but only in text boxes which i connected with dataset.tables(rows), i want to datagrid to also move to next record as soon as i press next record button


' I used following code for "next Record Button", to move on next record


if inc <> MaxRows - 1 Then

            inc = inc + 1



            MsgBox("No More Rows")


        End If


DataGrid1.DataSource = ds.Tables(inc)

DataGrid1.SetDataBinding(ds, "sla")



Please Help My with My Question how to move current record in datagrid, i mean when i press Next record button then datagrid's data (table) also should move to next record



or when i click any record in datagrid, then the current record of dataset also should move to clicked record of datagrid, so that i also may see datagrid's clicked record in textboxes


in short i want to use default feature of vb6's ado control, when we bind datagrid with ado control, it worked autometically, both data grid and adodc wer connected each other at a time, so that moving next record also apears in datagrid. please help me in my question, i m new to .net i need ur help