
Software designing

Caleb Adeyemo

Caleb Adeyemo

May 11 2011 1:32 PM
 I need assistance solving this homework and it is urgent and time is not on my side so please somebody help me. I count too much on this wonderful forum!
 Here is the problem: Somebody is a software developer for TCI. He has been given the task of creating an online movie rental application for Movie Time Video. After a series of customer interviews, here are a few requirements that he derived.
1) The software shall allow the administrator the ability to create customer accounts.
2) The software shall allow customer to rent movies.
2.1) In the event that a movie is unavailable, the software must have the ability to notify the customer via email when a copy becomes available.
3) For movies that are currently checked out, the software shall allow customers to renew their rental (s) on a weekly basis.
4) The software will allow customers to purchase movies via credit card.

 Givien this information, I was asked to generate the following:
A.) All necessary use cases
B.) Detailed use case scenarios for each use case developed in (A).
C.) Level 1 DFDs
D.) The data dictionary
E.) HCI design ( draw and describe it only)
 Please help me.
Thank you all.

Answers (5)