
Split value and assign them to textboxes.

Raul Juarez

Raul Juarez

Feb 12 2010 4:01 PM

I have the following elements Label1 and Lebel2 which contains values from PropertyNames and PropertyValues
Label1.Text = _user.PropertyNames;
Label2.Text = _user.PropertyValuesString;
The values are:
PropertyNames = "FirstName:S:0:6:Address:S:6:13:City:S:19:7:Phone:S:26:10:ZipCode:S:36:5:AptSuite:S:41:1:LastName:S:42:6:Extension:S:48:2:"
PropertyValuesString = "Nelson20 Bergen AveClifton9738765678070112Suarez89"
PropertyNames contains the index location for instance FirstName start at 0 and ends at 6, Address start at 6 and ends at 13 respectively. These values could change since they are populated to a database through a registration form.  What I need is a way to get the values and assign them to a set of Textboxes like  txtFirstName.txt=Nelson, txtAddress=20 Bergen Ave, etc So what I need is to split the values and assign them  to textboxes, Please if some one has any ideas I will appreciate it.

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