
VB.Net to login into Linux server using Putty

johnny xing

johnny xing

Jul 28 2009 3:08 AM
I want to using VS 2008 mobile SDK to program putty to remotely login into the Linux server, once logined in I want to pass one command("/etc/test/intercom/203.sh") to it. I tried below program but it's not working. I know plink is fine and plink indeed is working fine but plink is not available for windows mobile environment. Dim m_Process As New Process() m_Process.StartInfo.FileName = "putty.exe" m_Process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False m_Process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = False m_Process.StartInfo.Arguments= " -P 22 -l root -pw 12345" & "/etc/test/intercom/203.sh" Process.Start(m_Process.StartInfo) Any ideas?

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