
web application architecture design ask for advice

George George

George George

Feb 8 2009 10:12 PM

Hello everyone,

Previously my ASP.Net web application connects to database directly using ASO.Net. Now I want to change it to 3 layers, ASP.Net layer, middle web service layer and backend database layer. I think there is benefit that I could abstract data source to ASP.Net front layer, loosely coupled and reduce potential security risks to let external exposed ASP.Net web application to be able to access database directly, etc.

Compared with 2 layer architecture with the 3 layer architecture, I met with 2 major issues.

1. An additional middle web service layer will incur more traffic, e.g. ASP.Net does not talks to database direclty, but talks to web service and web service talks to database, will incur more traffic. Will it be a bottleneck? Any general advice to solve this issue if it is a bottleneck?

2. Since ASP.Net can not connect to database but connect to web service, it can not get DataSet/DataTable object easily. It becomes hard to present table form data to data bound controls. Any ideas to make presentation layer in ASP.Net easier coding?
