
web browser control in c#

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I am working on windows forms application using c#.
I am opening one site in web browser control. Through pragmatically I have logged into site. So that I could get home page of that site. I want open that page outside internet explorer with out login again. we can do with webbrowser1.navigate("url",true),but the cookies are not transerfered to the new page.

sample code.

in Form load-- webBrowser1.Navigate(http://www.yahoomail.com)

webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted ---i set the username,password and submitting the form. so that i am getting my home page. i want open the home page out side browser with out login again.
i wrote webbrowser1.navigate("url",true), it is opening the out side browser but going to login page again by asking user name and pwd. i observed that cookies  are not transered to the new page.any body please help me. thanks for ur time