
Writing test cases in Unit testing!

petre ricardo

petre ricardo

Sep 26 2009 2:29 AM

I have written a method that validates parameters that holds values of members of a class. One of the test is to check weather the parameters holds NULL values and Empty stirngs. If the member count is two (i.e.parameter collection has two elements assume they are No and Name)  then we can write 7 conbination of test to test "NULL, Empty strings and a valid value" for two members.
Therefore the test case table would be:

N0                           Name
NULL                     VALUE
NULL                     NULL
VALUE                  NULL
VALUE                  VALUE
EMPTY                  EMPTY
VALUE                  EMPTY
EMPTY                  VALUE

But what if there 8 members? then the test case table would be massive? is this how we figurout test cases?
TY in Advance