
writing update() in the Business Layer {continues with more questions}

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petre ricardo

petre ricardo



If code the parameter list as seperate arguments then this wouldnt be a problem, but following a taught pattern that i should take collection as parameters in update or create methods.

Assume the there are three members in a class and in the update or create methods that was told code them to take collection, therefore create and update methods of that class take collection but the problme the caller faces that it doesnt know the order and names of each element of the collection.

Assume :

first element should be Number
second element should be Name
third should be Address

Assume the method signature: public void Update(Dictionary <string, string> ) but the caller doesnt know that the first element should be Number and the second shold be Name.... therefore if he pass in the wrong order application will fail. How do i indicate to the coder that first element should be Number seocnd Name....?

Is this a good practise?

TY in advance

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