
XPath NodeIterator not able to iterate through results.

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Lee Blake

Lee Blake

I have some XML that is stored in the database and passed in as a string to my method.

          <widget Name="Report Exclusions">
              <VisibilitySetting Name="ClosedLocations" Value="true"/>
          <widget Name="Report Period">
              <VisibilitySetting Name="Day" Value="true"/>
              <VisibilitySetting Name="Month" Value="true"/>
          <widget Name="Output Method">
                <VisibilitySetting Name="Report Viewer" Value="true"/>
                <VisibilitySetting Name="Pdf" Value="true"/>

I run the following expression in an online XPath tester:

    /settings/ReportOptions/ReportWidget/widget[@Name='Output Method']/Properties/Visibility/VisibilitySetting[@Name]

and I get the following results:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <VisibilitySetting Name="Report Viewer" Value="true"/>
    <VisibilitySetting Name="Pdf" Value="true"/>

But when I run the following code:

    var customizationApplied = false;
    var firstProperty = Items[0];
    var settings = firstProperty.Widget.Report.Settings;
    var widgetName = firstProperty.Widget.Name;
    // Select the node and place the results in an iterator
    var strExpression =     settings.Compile("/settings/ReportOptions/ReportWidget/widget[@Name='Output Method']/Properties/Visibility/VisibilitySetting[@Name]");
    var nodeIterator = settings.Select(strExpression);

    // iterate through the results
    while (nodeIterator.MoveNext())
        var xmlPropertyName = nodeIterator.Current.GetAttribute("Name", string.Empty);

        var propertyToCustomize = (from prop in Items
                                   where string.Equals(prop.Name, xmlPropertyName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                                   select prop).FirstOrDefault();

        if (propertyToCustomize != null)
            var xmlPropertyValue = nodeIterator.Current.GetAttribute("Value", string.Empty);
            propertyToCustomize.IsEnabled = StringToObjectHelper.GetValue(xmlPropertyValue, false);

            customizationApplied = true;

I get no results. The nodeIterator always shows this on the mouseover: 

    Position=0, Current={Root}

and when I execute the nodeIterator.MoveNext() method, it returns false.

Can anyone please shed some light on what the problem could be? It all worked before and nothing has been changed.


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