Baibhav Kumar's points
Contributions Count Points
Approved Ideas 0 0
Articles 1 100
Blogs 0 0
C# Corner MVP 4 4,000
Chapter Events 0 0
Code Snippets 0 0
Comments 0 0
Comments Like 0 0
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Content Email 2 10
Contents Like 47 47
Daily Login 63 63
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Ebooks 8 9,000
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Forum Reply Accepted 1 50
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Member of the Month 1 350
Member Profile Like 0 0
News 2 100
Onboarding Steps 4 800
Polls 0 0
Resources 0 0
Social Shares 19 19
Videos 3 1,500
Vote Down 10 10
Vote Up 11 22
Total 182 16,571