Pranay Rana's top articles

Publisher/Subscriber Pattern With Event /Delegate and EventAggrega...

Jan 28, 2015 84.2k 7

Generate Sequence Diagram in C#

Feb 17, 2014 77.9k 0

Generate Class From JSON or XML in Visual Studio

Jul 25, 2015 65.6k 30

Return Anonymous Type in C#

Feb 06, 2015 59.5k 4

Difference Between Await and ContinueWith Keyword in C#

Aug 02, 2015 49.4k 14

Setting Breakpoints in Visual Studio

Nov 18, 2013 35k 2

How to use SQL to LINQ ( Visual Representation )

Feb 20, 2011 23.2k 16

Dependency Inversion Principle

Jul 07, 2015 17.9k 19

Collection Interface In .NET

Sep 07, 2015 15.6k 12

Random Numbers in Multithreading

Feb 12, 2015 15k 6

C# Features

Feb 22, 2011 12.8k 1

How and Where Decorator Design Pattern

Feb 03, 2015 12.4k 4

Open Closed Principle in SOLID

Apr 27, 2015 12.1k 20

Overview of SOLID Principle

Jul 13, 2015 11.7k 14

JQuery Ajax Calling Functions

Jul 11, 2011 10.5k 7

Liskov Substitution Principle

May 04, 2015 10k 10

What is Single Responsibility Principle

Apr 20, 2015 9.1k 17

Interface Segregation Principle

Jul 07, 2015 8.2k 8

Complex Custom Validation Attribute Specific to Entity

Mar 07, 2015 7.8k 0

Help Yourself in Debugging, Part 3: StackTrace and Caller Information Attr...

Feb 13, 2014 7.7k 0

Flyweight Design Pattern

Aug 08, 2015 7.4k 19

Validation in Any Type of Application Using DataAnnotation

Mar 09, 2015 7.4k 0

Dependency Injection: Part 1

Jan 14, 2014 7.1k 0

Getting Exact Location of Exception in C# Code

Jan 28, 2014 6.1k 0

Selectors in CSS 3

Jan 14, 2014 3.9k 1

Aborting Thread Vs Cancelling Task

Dec 12, 2017 2.1k 0