C# Membership Ranking

CSharp.com community is all about sharing, caring and earning. For every contribution you make on the site, you earn points.

Members also get the prestigious MVP based on their points earned during the current year. See MVP page for more details.

Once you accumulate enough points, you may redeem for prizes and other benefits.

Member ranking is based on the points earned by a user from his/her contributions. The rankings is represented in the form of membership levels categorized as Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Starter.

Platinum Member
5,001 - More Points
You must have a total points more than 5001 to be Platinum Member.
Gold Member
1,001-5,000 Points
You must have a total points between 1001 and 5000 to be Gold Member.
Silver Member
501-1,000 Points
You must have a total points between 501 and 1000 to be Silver Member.
Bronze Member
201-500 Points
You must have a total points between 201 and 500 to be Bronze Member.
Starter Member
0-200 Points
You must have a total points 200 to be Starter Member.
Membership Ranking points criteria are based on the below listed table
Contribution TypePointsDescription
 Ebook Post 1000  Each Author of an ebook gets 1000 points
 C# Corner MVP 1000  1000 points per award
 Event Speaking 500  Each speaker gets 500 points for every speaking in Chapters
 Video 500  Each approved video gets 500 points
 Member of the Month 350  350 points per award
 Chapter Events 250  Chapter Lead gets 250 points for every chapter event
 Featured Article 200  Each Featured Articles get 250 points
 Featured Video 200  Each featured video gets 250 points
 Article 100  Each approved article gets 100 points
 Referral User 100  Earn 100 points when you refer a friend who successfully registers.
 Referee User 100  Earn 100 points when you register using a referral link.
 Onboarding Steps 50  Each onboarding steps gets 50 points
 Invite Friend 50  Get 50 points on each invitation
 Approved Idea 50  Each idea gets 50 points after approval
 Blog Entry 25  Each approved blog gets 25 points
 Forum Reply Accepted 25  Each accepted forum reply gets 25 points
 News 25  Each approved news gets 25 points
 Code Snippet Entry 20  Each approved Code Snippet gets 20 points
 Download 10  Each approved download gets 10 points
 Event Registration 10  Each event register gets 10 points
 Idea 10  Each new Idea gets 10 points
 Interview Answer 5  Each interivew answer gets 5 point
 Link Facebook 5  Link Facebook with C# Corner profile gets 5 points
 Link LinkedIn 5  Link LinkedIn with C# Corner profile gets 5 points
 Link Twitter 5  Link Twitter with C# Corner profile gets 5 points
 Poll 5  Each approved poll gets 5 points
 Resource 5  Each approved resource gets 5 points
 Friend 5  Each accepted friend request gets 5 points
 Content Email 5  Each content email gets 5 points
 Forums Reply 2  Each forum reply gets 2 points
 Vote Up 2  Each vote up gets 2 points
 Vote Down 1  Each vote down gets 1 point
 Forums Post 1  Each forum post gets 1 point
 Content Like 1  Each content like gets 1 point
 Daily Login 1  1 point for daily login
 Comment Like 1  Each comment like gets 1 point
 Comment 1  Each comment gets 1 point
 Comment Reply 1  Each comment reply gets 1 point
 Social Shares 1  Each social share of contents gets 1 point daily
 Member Profile Like 1  Each profile like gets 1 point
Member Ranking Rules
This platform employs a member ranking system that determines a member's standing. This ranking is determined by the points accrued through a member's contributions. Member ranks are fluid and undergo monthly adjustments based on their ongoing contributions.
Active Member Status
A member with consistent contributions over the past one year is considered an active member. If a member remains inactive for more than one year, their rank is dropped, and they are removed from the Active Members page and ranking system.
Rank Reminder System
An email reminder system is in place for inactive members, following this schedule:
  • 30-day reminder: A message prompts the member to become active within the next 30 days to maintain their rank.
  • 45-day reminder: Another reminder is sent.
  • 60-day reminder: A final reminder, with a grace period of one week.

If there's no response, the member is declared inactive, and their rank drops.

Grace Period: Members with a rank can request a grace period for personal reasons, allowing them to maintain their rank for up to 90 days if they are currently busy.

Rank Calculation: Inactive members experience a gradual decline in rank. When they become active again, their rank is based on their current contributions, not their previous rank.

Removal of Inactive Members: Members inactive for 12 months are removed from the ranking system. To regain their rank, they must make significant contributions over a period.

Rank History: A member's rank history, including their points, is stored and displayed.

Exclusive Members: Certain members who contribute behind the scenes, such as platform management and chapter support, are considered active regardless of content contributions. Their contributions can be added manually through an admin/editor dashboard. Such members must notify the team to make sure their contributions are added to the system.
Click here to see All Time Leaders in points earned.