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sathish 's interview questions

What is Ajax ? What situations it will be used??

13 years ago 5.1k 2

How to deliever the web/windows application to customer once developed in ...

13 years ago 3.5k 2

Difference between website and web application?

13 years ago 4.1k 2

If we update the view will it automatically update main table?? Also vice ...

13 years ago 10.5k 1

What is mean by view ? and what the use of it ??

13 years ago 4.3k 1

what is mean by StringDictionary and in what cases it ll be used?? simpl...

13 years ago 4.3k 2

Difference between hash table and arraylist?

13 years ago 30.6k 4

At what movement we would go for server-side validation and Client-side va...

13 years ago 4.5k 0

What is generics in C#?? What is the use of it ??

14 years ago 4.9k 2

Why Multiple inheritance not possible in C#??

14 years ago 7.6k 1

Difference between string and string Builder?

14 years ago 6.2k 4

What is cloning in Database?

14 years ago 5.3k 1

What is mean by virtual override ??

14 years ago 6.7k 4

Difference between inheritance and polymorhism ?

15 years ago 31.4k 3

How to solve this error? The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN ...

15 years ago 5k 1

Can an assembly have EXE?

15 years ago 9.8k 2

what is mean by usercontrol & what is mean by custom control? And the...

15 years ago 4k 1

Difference between tracing and Debugging?

15 years ago 4.6k 1

Main diifference between user control and custom control?

15 years ago 4.3k 1

Explain about .Net Architecture??

15 years ago 12.2k 1

Which one the delegate doesn't support? Class,structure or anything else !...

15 years ago 3.9k 0

how can i find 'is my pc is affected by any spyware or not'??

16 years ago 6.2k 1

when i place the label above the progressbar , the label should be transpa...

16 years ago 4.4k 0

The progressbar should load every time when the same button is pressed (ma...

16 years ago 4.2k 0

i need the source code for displaying the datagridview to display on the n...

16 years ago 4.4k 0
 1 - 25 of 35