Suraj Rai's forums Acceptance Ratio: 0%

Can abstract base class be used to share a cached dictionary

9y 371 0 1

observer pattern for a real time scenarion

10y 865 0 1

Putting dll into gac

12y 1.6k 3 1

internal and static

12y 1.6k 3 1

Unit testing using moq - verify does'n work

12y 2.5k 0 1

Moq unit testing for void methods

12y 7.2k 2 1

Application Template for Microsoft .NET (AT.NET) ?

13y 1.3k 0 1

Re: What does backward compatibility of interface mean?

13y 2

Re: What does backward compatibility of interface mean?

13y 2

What does backward compatibility of interface mean?

13y 3k 6 1

Re: Please explain the code on how does bit wise operator works..also Endianness

13y 2

Re: Please explain the code on how does bit wise operator works..also Endianness

13y 2

Please explain the code on how does bit wise operator works..also Endianness

13y 1.6k 5 1

Re: Can any one tell me what is the safe way of te

17y 2

Can any one tell me what is the safe way of terminating a thread

17y 2.3k 4 1

Re: Replacing default close button

17y 2

Re: writing string to registry at installation tim

18y 2

writing string to registry at installation time

18y 2.4k 2 1

Re: is it possible get something from previous pag

18y 2

Draging a form after setting FormBorderStyle to None

18y 1.8k 0 1

Getting Folders Icon Image...Unable to take large Icons...

18y 2.4k 1 1

Re: update listview

18y 2

How to disable context menu item

18y 6.3k 1 1

Re: Creating dialogue box like "Save As" with some

18y 2

Creating dialogue box like "Save As" with some extra text

18y 2.1k 1 1
 1 - 25 of 54