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The Repository Design Pattern
Jul 25, 2024.
The Repository Design Pattern is a commonly used design pattern in software development that provides an abstraction layer between the business logic and data access layers in an application. It helps in organizing the data access logic and business logic by keeping them separate. The repository acts as a gateway for retrieving data from databases or other storage mechanisms.Advantages of Using Repository Design Pattern Separation of Concerns: This pattern clearly separates the logic that retrieves the data and maps it to the entity model from the business logic that acts on the model. Centralized Data Access: The Repository pattern allows you to centralize all data access logic, making it easier to maintain. Reduces Code Duplication: By using a central repository, repetitive code for data access methods can be reduced significantly. Increased Testability: Having a layer separate from the business logic allows for easier unit testing. Implementing the Repository Design Pattern in .NET Core Let's dive into an example of implementing the Repository Design Pattern in a .NET Core application. We will create a simple project called Codingvila.RepositoryDemo with a repository that handles operations for an Book entity.
Overview Of Strategy Design Pattern
Jan 23, 2018.
In this article, we will learn about Strategy Design Pattern.
Cab Booking And Scheduling By Using Command Design Pattern And Scheduler
Jan 20, 2018.
This article explains the cab booking & scheduling system by using Command Design Pattern and Scheduler.
Angular Material Design Components With Reactive Form - Part Two
Jan 15, 2018.
This is continuation part of Angular material component with Reactive forms , in which we are going to learn how to implement reactive forms with Angular material controls
Singleton Design Pattern In C# - Part Three (Static vs Singleton)
Jan 11, 2018.
In this series of learning singleton patterns, we learned lazy initialization and eager initializations with practical examples. We also learned why it is necessary to make the singleton class sealed with sealed keyword. In this article, I’ll try to explain the differences between static and singleton class and where to use static and where to use singleton classes.
Singleton Design Pattern In C# - Part Two (Eager and Lazy Initialization in Singleton)
Jan 09, 2018.
In this article, we’ll discuss Lazy initialization, the lazy keyword, why to make singleton class a sealed class and what are the differences between singleton and static class.
Angular Material Design Components With Reactive Forms - Part One
Jan 09, 2018.
This is a demo for using Angular Material Design Components with Angular 5 that creates an attractive UI and enhances the app's performance.
Singleton Design Pattern In C# - Part One
Jan 08, 2018.
I always wanted to write about Singleton design pattern in C#. Though there already are many posts available on Singleton design pattern, I’ll try to cover this topic in the most simplistic and easy to understand way.
Microsoft Office 2013 UI Design In C# - Visual Studio
Jan 07, 2018.
In this article we will design the UI of Microsoft Office 2013 applications like Word, PowerPoint, Excel etc.
Xamarin.Forms - Design Catclock Using SkiaSharp
Nov 18, 2017.
In this article we will discuss about how to paint 2D images using SkiaSharp in Xamarin forms using Visual Studio 2017
Getting Started With Receipt Card Design Using Microsoft Bot Framework
Oct 29, 2017.
The Bot Framework supports different type of rich cards and provides a richer interaction experience to the user. In this article, I will show how to integrate Receipt card UI design in a Bot Application. If you are developing a shopping card Bot chat application; receipt card is very important. Receipt card class has property as a list of items, total, tax, vat, title and image. We can re-use all receipt card properties and add tab action event for navigating to original invoice website.
Getting Started With Adaptive Card Design Using Microsoft Bot Framework
Oct 12, 2017.
The Bot Framework supports different types of rich cards and provides a richer interaction experience to the user. In this article, I will show how to integrate adaptive card UI design in a Bot Application. The Adaptive Card contain a combination of text, speech, images, buttons, and input controls.Adaptive Cards are created using the JSON format specified in the Adaptive Cards schema and Microsoft provided Microsoft.AdaptiveCards NuGet package for .Net Developer to building cards and handles the serialization.
Getting Started With Thumbnail Card Design Using Microsoft Bot Framework
Oct 10, 2017.
The Bot Framework supports different types of rich cards and provides a richer interaction experience to the users. In this article, I will show how to integrate Thumbnail card UI design in a Bot application.
Getting Started With Hero Card Design Using Microsoft Bot Framework
Oct 10, 2017.
The Bot Framework supports different types of rich cards and provides a richer interaction experience to the users. In this article, I will show how to integrate Hero Card UI design in a Bot application.
Software Design Principles DRY, KISS, YAGNI
Sep 29, 2017.
In this article, I am going to explore software design principles and their benefits and why design principle are useful for us and how to implement them in our daily programming. We will see DRY, KISS, and YAGNI software design principles.
Creating Drawer Layout Using Material Design In Xamarin.Android
Sep 09, 2017.
In this article, you will learn how to create Drawer Layout using Material Design in Xamarin.Android.
Responsive Web Design Vs Web Apps
Aug 10, 2017.
Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of responsive web design and web apps.
Null Object Design Pattern
Jul 29, 2017.
A null object is also known as a Stub, an Active Nothing or an Active Null. It helps our program logic to get rid of null checks where ever possible. We all know, that we can not call methods on a null reference as it results in a NullReferenceException. The null object pattern provides a non-functional object in place of a null reference and therefore allows methods to be called on it.
Basic FormFlow Design Using Microsoft Bot FrameWork
Jun 22, 2017.
In this article you will learn about Basic FormFlow Design Using Microsoft Bot FrameWork.
Web API Design Principles Or Web API Design Guidelines
Jun 22, 2017.
In this article you will learn about Web API Design Principles or Web API Design Guidelines.
Xamarin.Forms - Design Switch Cell With Table View Application Using Visual Studio 2017
May 03, 2017.
This article enlightens you on designing switch cell with Table View Application, using Visual Studio 2017.
Create Page Layout Using Design Manager In SharePoint Online
Apr 18, 2017.
In this article, I would like to share the steps for creating the page layout, using SharePoint Design Manager.
Abstract Factory Design Pattern In C#
Apr 05, 2017.
Abstract Factory Design Pattern In C#
Factory Method Design Pattern In C#
Mar 31, 2017.
Factory Method Design Pattern In C#.
Singleton Design Pattern In C#
Mar 23, 2017.
In this article, we are going to learn Singleton design pattern in C#.
How To Design Table In Apache Cordova App Using Visual Studio
Feb 13, 2017.
In this article, you will learn how to design a table in the Apache Cordova app, using Visual Studio.
Software Design Paradigm - Convention Over Configuration (ASP.NET MVC)
Jan 13, 2017.
Learn about Coding by Convention, the software design paradigm used by many software frameworks.
How To Design A Web Page Using PHP
Jan 07, 2017.
In this article, you will learn how to design a Web page, using PHP.
Food Delivery Application Using Design Patterns
Dec 31, 2016.
This article will explain the design and development of a food delivery application by using different kinds of design patterns.
Understanding GOF Design Pattern With Simple Examples - Part One
Nov 20, 2016.
In this article, we will go through some of the highly used design patterns, with simple examples.
Mobile Page Design Using Xamarin.Forms Pages
Nov 07, 2016.
In this article, I will show you how to implement different paging using Xamarin Forms.
Steps To Create Custom Master Page In SharePoint 2013 Using Design Manager
Oct 18, 2016.
In this article, you will learn how to create a custom master page in SharePoint 2013, using Design Manager.
Sales Tax Problem With Design Pattern
Oct 07, 2016.
In this article, you will learn about Sales Tax Problem with Design Pattern.
Factory Design Pattern Real World Example
Sep 13, 2016.
In this article, you will see the real world example of Factory Design Pattern.
Working With Singleton Design Pattern In Real Time Projects
Sep 12, 2016.
In this article, you will learn, what Singleton is and how to use Singleton pattern in projects.
How To Design Adaptive Layout For Windows Desktop And Mobile
Aug 16, 2016.
In this article, I’ll explain how to design an adaptive layout which will target different sizes of Windows screens.
How To Carry Out A Quick Design Assessment
Aug 15, 2016.
In this article, you will learn how to carry out a Quick Design Assessment.
Quick Start-Up With Important Design Patterns
Aug 05, 2016.
In this article, you will learn about important design patterns.
Create And Design A User Interface For Android Application Via Xamarin
Jul 12, 2016.
In this article, I will show you how to create and design a simple User Interface.
Introduction To Material And Layout Units And Measurements In Google Material Design Guidelines
Jul 11, 2016.
In this article, you will learn about material and layout units and measurements in Google Material Design guidelines.
Top 3 Free Responsive Web Design Testing Tools
Jun 29, 2016.
In this article, we will see top 3 website testing tools and how to use them.
Implementing The Singleton Design Pattern
Jun 15, 2016.
In this article, you will learn how to implement the Singleton design pattern.
Structuring JavaScript Code Using Design Patterns
Jun 05, 2016.
In this article you will learn about structuring JavaScript code using Design Patterns.
Factory Design Pattern In C#
Jun 04, 2016.
In this article you will learn about Factory Method Design Pattern in C# language.
How To Design The Perfect Mobile App Icon
May 13, 2016.
In this article you will learn how to design the perfect Mobile App Icon.
Five Easy-to-Implement Techniques To Take Your nopCommerce Site Design From Basic To Brilliant
May 01, 2016.
In this article we will cover the five Easy-to-Implement Techniques to Take Your nopCommerce Site Design from Basic to Brilliant. nopCommerce is an ASP.NET MVC based open-source e-Commerce solution.
Introduction And Design Simulation Of Raspberry PI
Apr 26, 2016.
In this article we will learn about what Raspberry Pi is, components of Raspberry Pi devices, GPIO Pin Configurations, where to buy, operating System supported and preparing for work with Raspberry Pi.
Product Design Future With HoloLens
Mar 09, 2016.
Microsoft HoloLens and Autodesk Fusion 360 are helping improve collaboration across the entire product development process, enabling engineers and designers to iterate together in real-time.
How To Design A Calculator In UWP
Jan 30, 2016.
In this article you will learn how to design a Calculator in UWP.
Fixing DNX Design Time Process Error in Visual Studio 2015
Jan 29, 2016.
This article will help you in troubleshooting one of the DNX design time errors.
Strategy Design Pattern
Jan 19, 2016.
In this article you will learn about Strategy Design Pattern.
Icon Pack - Material Design In XAML 1.4
Jan 19, 2016.
This article is about release 1.4 of Material Design In XAML Toolkit is a full icon pack. Icon design is a skill itself and finding or creating good icons when designing an application can be a time consuming task. To help in this regard I am pleased to announce that the entire Material Design Icons collection is now included in the library.
DataTableAdapter Design Technique Using DataSet
Jan 06, 2016.
In this article you will learn DataTableAdapter Design Technique using DataSet.
Database Design For Library Management System
Dec 27, 2015.
In this article you will get to know about Database Design for Library Management System.
Implementing Modular Design Pattern And OOP In JavaScript
Dec 25, 2015.
In this article you will learn how to implement Modular Design pattern and OOP in JavaScript.
Responsive Website Design Using Media Queries
Dec 14, 2015.
In this article we will talk about responsive design, first thing comes in mind is media queries.
Create UI design And Wire-frames For UWP Apps And Others
Dec 09, 2015.
In this article you will learn how to create UI design and wire-frames for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps, Windows Store, Tablets and Windows Phone Using Adobe Illustrators and PowerPoint.
Factory Design Pattern
Nov 22, 2015.
In this article you will learn about Factory Design Pattern. This is the most commonly used design pattern.
An Overview Of Factory Design Pattern With Real Life Example
Nov 20, 2015.
In this article you will learn Easy and Tricky to Understand the Factory Design Pattern with Real Time Example.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 Application Design Book
Nov 19, 2015.
In this article you will learn about Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 Application Design Book.
Adapter Design Pattern In C#
Nov 17, 2015.
In this article you will learn about Adapter Design Pattern in C# language.
Singleton Design Pattern Vs Static Class
Oct 29, 2015.
In this article, I will demonstrate you what is singleton design pattern and static class.
Visitor Design Pattern
Oct 27, 2015.
In this article you will learn about Visitor Design Pattern. It is a behavioral design pattern. The prime purpose of the visitor pattern is to add extra behavior to a class without modifying it.
Best Practices To Make Responsive Website Design (RWD)
Oct 18, 2015.
In this article you will learn about some best practices to make Responsive Website Design (RWD).
Android Wear Watch Face Design And Development
Oct 17, 2015.
In this article, I will be walking you through android wear watch face design and development.
Observer Design Pattern
Oct 15, 2015.
In this article we will learn about Observer Design Pattern. Observer design pattern is a behavioral pattern. It is applicable when one-to-many relationship is demanded.
Chain Of Responsibility Design Pattern Using C#
Oct 15, 2015.
In this article we will learn about Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern using C#.
SharePoint 2013 Design Manager - HTML To Master Page Conversion
Oct 06, 2015.
In this article, you will learn how to use SharePoint 2013 Design Manager to create master page from html page.
Memento Design Pattern Using C#
Sep 27, 2015.
In this article you will learn Memento Design Pattern using C#.
Iterator Design Pattern Using C#
Sep 17, 2015.
In this article you will learn about Iterator Design Pattern using C#.
Identifying Design Smells In C#
Sep 15, 2015.
In this article you will learn identifying design smells in C#.
Dependency Injection Analogy In Design Pattern
Sep 11, 2015.
In this article we will learn how to use various dependency injections in design pattern.
Mediator Design Pattern Using C#
Sep 08, 2015.
In this article you will learn about Mediator Design Pattern using C#.
Decorator Design Pattern Using C#
Sep 02, 2015.
In this article you will learn about decorator design pattern using C#.
Command Design Pattern
Aug 23, 2015.
In this article you will learn about the Command Design Pattern.
Template Method Design Pattern Using C#
Aug 14, 2015.
In this article we will discuss the template method design pattern using C#.
Flyweight Design Pattern
Aug 08, 2015.
In this article you will learn about the Flyweight Design Pattern.
Change Design on Button Press of Any Object in Android
Aug 03, 2015.
This article shows how to change the design on the press of any object in Android.
Design Responsive Websites Using Google Material Design Lite
Jul 27, 2015.
This article explains how to design responsive websites using Google Material Design Lite.
Android Material Design Support Library Part 1
Jul 03, 2015.
In this article you will learn about the Android Material Design Support Library.
Implementing Singleton Design Patterns
Jun 09, 2015.
This article describes how a Singleton Design Pattern can be implemented and the difference between a singleton class and static class.
In Depth Look: Strategy Design Pattern, Dependency Injection (DI), Open/Closed Principle (OCP) and Loose Coupling
Jun 06, 2015.
This article explains the Strategy Design Pattern, Dependency Injection, Open/Closed principle and Loose Coupling.
Adapter Design Pattern Demystified
Jun 04, 2015.
This article explains the Adapter Design Patterns.
Material Design Themed TimePicker and Clock Controls for WPF
May 01, 2015.
The latest entry into the Material Design in XAML Toolkit: TimePicker and Clock controls
C# Singleton Design Pattern Example: Part 2
Apr 27, 2015.
In this article we will see how to make it Thread Safe.
C# Singleton Design Pattern: Part 1
Apr 25, 2015.
This article explains the basics of the Singleton Design Pattern.
Material Design DatePicker/Calendar Style For WPF
Apr 22, 2015.
In this article we will learn how to create new WPF DatePicker & Calendar Styles for Material Design in XAML Toolkit.
Easy Form Design at Run Time C# Windows Forms
Apr 20, 2015.
This article demonstrates designing a Windows Forms form at runtime and doing CRUD operations to your form at runtime without writting any code using a Stored Procedure.
Null Object in Design Pattern
Apr 10, 2015.
In this article we will see Null Objects in Design Patterns.
Strategic Design of Test Cases in Testing
Apr 10, 2015.
In this article we will see Strategic Design of Test Cases in Testing.
Prototype Design Pattern With Real-World Scenario
Apr 02, 2015.
This article explains the prototype pattern and its practical implementation with a real-world scenario.
Builder Design Pattern From Intent to Implementation
Mar 29, 2015.
This article explains the Builder Design Pattern, its intent and practical implementation with a real-world scenario.
Windows Form Design at Run Time
Mar 02, 2015.
In this article you will learn how to design Windows Forms at runtime.
Material Design in XAML - Mash Up!
Feb 25, 2015.
In this article you will learn how to get a great looking application mock-up, by bringing together Dragablz, MahApps, & Material Design.
How to Design Runtime Generated PDF Via HTML
Feb 24, 2015.
This article explains how to design a runtime generated PDF via HTML code.
How to Use the Material Design Theme With Dragablz Tab Control
Feb 09, 2015.
Combining Google Material theme, Design and Dragablz for a great, tear-able TabControl.
How to Design a Web Page Using Cascading StyleSheet
Feb 06, 2015.
In this article you will learn how to turn an ugly Home Page design into a less ugly using a Cascading StyleSheet,
How and Where Decorator Design Pattern
Feb 03, 2015.
The Decorator Design Pattern is one of the behavior patterns introduced by the GOF.
Architecture, Design and Modeling Improvements in Visual Studio 2015
Nov 26, 2014.
This article just attempted to determine the latest released improvements in Modeling , Design and Architecture in Visual Studio 2015.
Tell Don't Ask Design Principle
Nov 22, 2014.
This article describes the design principle called Tell, Don't Ask.
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