ADO.NET is a bundle of classes which stands for ActiveX data object. It is used to get the data from Back end to Front end.
Step to work with Ado .NET
- Establish the Connection
- Pass statement from front end to back end
- Close the Connection
Classes which work with ADO.NET
- SqlConnection
- SqlCommand
- SqlDataAdapter
- Dataset
SqlConnection class used to established the connection between front end and back end.
SqlConnection obj=new SqlConnection(“Integrated Security=true;Initial Catalog=Table_Name;Data Source=.”);-- for Windows authentication
SqlConnection obj=new SqlConnection(“user id= sa ; Password=sa123;server=.;database=name”); --Sql server Authentication
SqlCommand is used to pass the statement from front end to back end by using the following syntax.
SqlCommand objcmd=new SqlCommand(“Query Statement”,Connection object);
SqlDataAdapter is a mediator between database and dataset. SqlDataAdapter do not have a feature of getting the data directly from the database. Syntax for working with SqlDataAdapter is the following:
Syntax SqlDataAdapter objda=new SqlDataAdapter(“query statement”,Connection object);
Dataset contains Table and relation as:
Figure: Dataset
Data bound Control
Data bound control is used for displaying more than one record at a time. Here are the types of Data bound Control:
- Repeater
- Datalist
- Grid view
- Form View
- Details View
- List View
Data bound control fetch the data record by record and display the data field by field.
Sample Insertion Example for working with ADO.NET
- SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(“Integrate Security = true; Initial Catalog = Employee; data source = .”);
- SqlCommand cmd();
- Private void Page_Load() {}
- Private void btnInsert_Click()
- {
- String s = “Insert into Emp values(@p1, @p2, @p3)”;
- Cmd = new SqlCommand(s, con);
- Cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
- Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@p1”, txtEid.Text);
- Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@p2”, txtEname.Text);
- Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@p1”, txtsalary.Text);
- Int i = cmd.ExecuteNon Query();
- Con.Close();
- }
- Messagebox.Show(i + “Rows are Inserted”);
- }
Sample Example code for displaying the data in GridView:
- Using System.Data;
- Using System.Data.SqlClient;
- SqlConnection con = new Sqlconnection(“Integrate Security = true; Initial Catalog = Employee; data source = .”);
- SqlDataAdapter Da();
- Private void Page_Load()
- {
- String s = ”select * from Emp”;
- Da = new SqlDataAdapter(s, con);
- Dataset ds = new Dataset();
- Da.fill(ds, ”Empobj”);
- Gridview = ds.tables[0];
- GridView.DataBound();
- }