Checklist for Automating Software Testing


When you are considering automating your project you may think of some necessary points. Below are some important things to be considered. If you say yes to at least one of the below questions, then the project testing can be automated.


  1. Does software changes frequently?

    If software does not change frequently and it is almost stable then it will be a good candidate for automation.
  3. Can we define the test sequence of actions?

    We need to ask ourselves, whether it is useful to repeat the sequence of actions many times are not? For example Acceptance tests, performance tests, compatibility tests and regression tests etc.
  4. Is it cost-effective or not?

    Before deciding to go for automating the test effort, we should determine the manual testing effort cost. If it is proved to be cost effective then we should surely go for automation.
  5. Does it have any possibility to automate the sequence of actions?

    This can determine that automation is suitable or not suitable for this sequence of actions.
  6. Can it be possible to "semi automate" a test?

    Automating most of the parts of a test can speed up test execution time.
  7. How will be the behavior and nature of the software project under test the same with automation as without?

    This is a major concern for performance testing.
  8. Will you be running the same tests on multiple hardware configurations?

    Running adhoc tests is very important in testing. An ad hoc test is done manually where the tester attempts to simulate real world use of the software product.

    Most of the bugs are found when we run ad hoc testing. It should be stressed that automation testing cannot ever be a substitute for manual testing.
  9. Will you be testing non-UI aspects of the program?

    Most of the non-UI functions can and should be automated tests.

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