22 June, 2014 | Pune
The C# Corner Pune Chapter organized its first offline event under the C# Corner banner at Oleander Career Development Center, 501,502 ,4th Floor, A wing, Mega Center, Hadapsar, Pune. The first event shaped up superbly and the attendees appreciated the knowledge and information that was served.
Agenda of the Day:
- Introduction to WCF
- ABC of WCF (Address, Binding, Contract)
- Difference between WCF and Web Services
- Hands on WCF
- All about SQL
The event started with the introduction of the C# Corner Pune Chapter. Then it was Jeetendra Gund, who delivered a session on "WCF". That was followed by a quick refreshment session that was sponsored by http://dotnetbyabhipatil.blogspot.in/. Thereafter we moved to "SQL Server", that was lead by Rupesh Kahane.
Special thanks to Mr.Prasad Tondare and Abhijit Chavan (C# Corner Pune Chapter Core team) and all other speakers and ever so active and excited attendees, without the efforts of whom, such an informative session of technology would not have been possible.
Jeetendra Gund discussing about WCF
Hands on Lab
Refreshment Session
Rupesh Kahane discussing SQL Server
You can join the C# Corner Pune Chapter here.