IoT Installation And Configuration Of Windows 10 IoT Core On Raspberry Pi2


In this second article written in collaboration with Piero Sbressa dedicated IoT, and after the introduction found at this link, Lets see how to download, install and configure Windows 10 IoTCore a tab Raspberry Pi2 some more customization to the operating system installed.

Hardware required

For those who do not know what is the Raspberry Pi2, it is a microcomputer, with 4 USB ports, a LAN port, an HDMI more outlets for food and the Mini SD slot. Version two was released in the spring and is fully compatible with Windows 10 IoT Core. We begin, before proceeding to prepare the material that will be useful hardware, here's a preview.

Hardware required
                                                Figure 1: Hardware required

The Raspberry Pi2
                                 Figure 2: The Raspberry Pi2

USB keyboard and mouse
Figure 3: USB keyboard and mouse (or even in a single USB as in my case)

Ethernet cable
            Figure 4: Ethernet cable

HDMI cable
                                          Figure 5: HDMI cable

Power cord that came with the card
         Figure 6: Power cord that came with the card

Micro SD card at least eight GB with adapter
   Figure 7: Micro SD card at least eight GB with adapter

Now that we have everything you need for hardware components, we can start to connect cables and adapter, but not to feed (since in the absence switch, the Raspberry Pi2 will start immediately), as long as we do not use a power outlet with dedicated switch.

Installing Windows 10 IoT Core on micro sd

We mentioned at the beginning, that the Raspberry Pi2 has a slot for Micro SD, and there we're going to install the operating system on Micro SD. Clarification, the PC that will prepare the disc for Raspberry Pi2, must necessarily have installed Windows 10. To prepare the Micro SD, the first thing we have to download the ISO of Windows 10 IoT Core.

We connect to this website to download the ISO.

After saving the file (IoT Core RPi2.ISO), double-click the mouse, and automatically will mount a virtual drive with the file Windows_10_IoT_Core_RPi2.msi to install.

to install
                                       Figure 8: Windows_10_IoT_Core_RPi2 to install

Hence we install the file Windows_10_IoT_Core_RPi2. When the installation is complete, we will find a file in C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft IoT \ FFU \ RaspberryPi2 flash.ffu called, will be the file that will be useful for the installation of Windows 10 IoT Core. Remember at this point to eject the virtual CD. We are now ready for installation.

Let the program WindowsIoT system

WindowsIoT system
                                             Figure 9: WindowsIoT system

WindowsIoTImageHelper open, and we will be led to the following screen.

                                    Figure 10: WindowsIoTImageHelper

We put our micro SD slot of the PC and installed Windows 10, click with the mouse on the Refresh button. WARNING: The following procedure will erase all the contents of Micro SD.

Click with the mouse on the Refresh button
                     Figure 11: Click with the mouse on the Refresh button

The software has detected the Micro SD card as shown in the figure above. Through the "Browser" Let's now select the file flash.ffu and click with the mouse on button "Flash".

Click with the mouse on button Flash
                              Figure 12: Click with the mouse on button Flash

Erase Content
                                                   Figure 13: Erase Content

Then start the installation process, which takes a few minutes.

Start the installation process
                                                Figure 14: Start the installation process

Once we are able to remove the micro SD card (always remembering to do before the procedure of expulsion devices). Then insert the micro SD slot present on Raspberry Pi2, and we can now connect to the power grid is our contact. If we did everything correctly in the previous steps, we will see a screen like this.

select the "For developers"
                                       Figure 15: Micro SD slot present on Raspberry Pi2

Card personalization

The first thing that will leap to the eye, and that Raspberry Pi2 hasn't a Shell, which has an Explorer like instead are in a Desktop PC or Laptop. However we can, if we choose, perform customizations, let's see now. Let's start with the name of the computer. We must resort to a tool they use daily the en-pro, in other words Powershell. Having Windows 10 installed, Powershell is already included in the system and do not need to download it. Let's open a session Powershell ISE, as Administrator, the text box to search.

                  Figure 16: Powershell

It will open Powershell.

Open Powershell
                                                                  Figure 17: Open Powershell

Because we will have to manage a machine remotely, the first thing we have to start the service on. We type in net start Powershell WinRM as in the following figure.

Powershell WinRM
                                                Figure 18: Powershell WinRM

We must now ensure that the device is visible on the network. We can verify this in the following two ways: ping the IP address that appears in the screen above, or use a tool called Windows IoT Core Watcher, which will see the available tabs on the network.

Available tabs on the network
                                       Figure 19: Available tabs on the network

At this point we type the following command in Powershell.

    Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value <machine-name or IP Address>

Where instead of <machine-name or IP Address> we have to type the IP address or the name of the machine. In my case, the command would be:

    Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value

We will display a window as shown below, we will respond Yes.

IP address or the name of the machine
                                                                                                         Figure 20: IP address or the name of the machine

Following these steps, we can now connect to the Raspberry Pi2 by this command:

    Enter-PSSession -ComputerName <machine-name or IP Address> -Credential <machine-name or IP Address or localhost>\Administrator

Where will we put our name or IP of the machine:

    Enter-PSSession -ComputerName -Credential\Administrator

You will request the access password:

Connect to the Raspberry Pi2
                  Figure 21: Connect to the Raspberry Pi2

The default password is p@ssw0rd, but we can always change it later. The operation can take up to several tens of seconds. We must be patient and wait. If we ran everything, and correctly, we now connected to the Raspberry Pi2. We realize that at the beginning of the line because we will have the device's IP address (or name).

IP address
                                                                           Figure 22: IP address

To change the name of the device, we proceed with the following commands:

    setcomputername <new-name>

Where instead of <new-name> will put the new name.

You must then restart the device with education.

    shutdown /r /t 0

And finally reconnect remotely by typing Powershell.

    Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value <new-name>

If all are done in an exact manner, we will see that under Device name we have the name of the PC that we have chosen previously.

Divice name
                                                               Figure 23: Divice name

We have now completed the installation phase of Windows 10 IoT Core and performed changing the name of the computer. We are now ready to start creating and test projects by using Visual Studio 2015 that we will see later.

Article written by Piero Sbressa And Carmelo La Monica, Microsoft Contributor.

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