Network Interface in Java

 Network Interface in Java

A network interface is the point of interconnection between a computer and a private or public network. A network interface is generally a network interface card (NIC). Java 1.4 introduced NetworkInterface Class to get the details of a local network interface, MAC address of the Interface, MTU (maximum transmission unit) of the Interface, list of IP address attached to the interface whether the interface up and/or down and whether it supports multicasting etc.

NetworkInterface is useful for a multihomed system, which is a system with multiple NICs. Using NetworkInterface, you can specify which NIC to use for a particular network activity. The NetworkInterface class is given by Java in a package named and the NetworkInterface class represents both types of interfaces.


The loop back interface ( for IPv4 and 1 for IPv6) is not a physical device but a piece of software simulating a network interface. The loop back interface is commonly used in test enviorments.





import java.util.*;

public class DemoNetworkInterface


private static final String NL = System.getProperty("line.separator");

private static final String NL_TAB = NL + "  ";

private static final String IPV4 = "IPv4";

private static final String IPV6 = "IPv6";


private static class MyInterface


public String displayName;

public String name;

public int mtu;

public boolean isUp;

public boolean isLoopback;

public boolean isPointToPoint; // e.g. a PPP modem interface

public boolean isVirtual;      // a sub-interface

public boolean supportsMulticast;

public byte[] macAddress;

public List<MyIpAddress> ipAddresses;

public List<MyInterface> subInterfaces;


public String toString()


StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(NL);

sb.append("*** Interface [" + name + "] ***").append(NL);

sb.append(NL).append("Name  : " + displayName);

sb.append(NL).append("MTU           : " + mtu);

sb.append(NL).append("Loop back     : " + isLoopback);

sb.append(NL).append("Point to Point: " + isPointToPoint);

sb.append(NL).append(" InterFace is up    : " + isUp);

sb.append(NL).append("virtual       : " + isVirtual);

sb.append(NL).append("multicast     : " + supportsMulticast);

sb.append(NL).append("MAC address  : ");

if (macAddress != null)


for (byte b : macAddress)


sb.append(String.format("%1$02X ", b));







for (MyIpAddress ipAddr: ipAddresses)




for (MyInterface subInfo: subInterfaces)




return sb.toString();



private static class MyIpAddress


public String ipAddress;

public String ipVersion = "unknown";

public String hostName;

public String canonicalHostName;

public boolean isLoopback;

public boolean isSiteLocal; // private IP address

public boolean isAnyLocal// wildcard address

public boolean isLinkLocal;

public boolean isMulticast;

public boolean isReachable;

public String toString()


StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

sb.append(NL).append("INET address ("+ ipVersion + "): " + ipAddress);

sb.append(NL_TAB).append("host name           : " + hostName);

sb.append(NL_TAB).append("canonical host name : " + canonicalHostName);

sb.append(NL_TAB).append("loopback        : " + isLoopback);

sb.append(NL_TAB).append("site local        : " + isSiteLocal);

sb.append(NL_TAB).append("any local        : " + isAnyLocal);

sb.append(NL_TAB).append("link local         : " + isLinkLocal);

sb.append(NL_TAB).append("multicast        : " + isMulticast);

sb.append(NL_TAB).append("reachable       : " + isReachable);

return sb.toString();



private static MyInterface getMyInterface(NetworkInterface nif) throws IOException


// get interface information

MyInterface info = new MyInterface();

info.displayName = nif.getDisplayName(); = nif.getName();

info.mtu = nif.getMTU();

info.isUp = nif.isUp();

info.isLoopback = nif.isLoopback();

info.isPointToPoint = nif.isPointToPoint();

info.isVirtual = nif.isVirtual();

info.supportsMulticast = nif.supportsMulticast();

info.macAddress = nif.getHardwareAddress();

info.ipAddresses = new ArrayList<MyIpAddress>();

info.subInterfaces = new ArrayList<MyInterface>();

// get IP address information

Enumeration<InetAddress> inetAddresses = nif.getInetAddresses();

while (inetAddresses.hasMoreElements())


InetAddress inetAddr = inetAddresses.nextElement();

MyIpAddress ipInfo = new MyIpAddress();

if (inetAddr instanceof Inet4Address)


ipInfo.ipVersion = IPV4;


else if (inetAddr instanceof Inet6Address)


ipInfo.ipVersion = IPV6;


ipInfo.ipAddress = inetAddr.getHostAddress();

ipInfo.hostName = inetAddr.getHostName();

ipInfo.canonicalHostName = inetAddr.getCanonicalHostName();

ipInfo.isAnyLocal = inetAddr.isAnyLocalAddress();

ipInfo.isLinkLocal = inetAddr.isLinkLocalAddress();

ipInfo.isSiteLocal = inetAddr.isSiteLocalAddress();

ipInfo.isLoopback = inetAddr.isLoopbackAddress();

ipInfo.isMulticast = inetAddr.isMulticastAddress();

ipInfo.isReachable = inetAddr.isReachable(5000);



// get virtual interface information

Enumeration<NetworkInterface> subIfs = nif.getSubInterfaces();

while (subIfs.hasMoreElements())


NetworkInterface subIf = subIfs.nextElement();

MyInterface subInfo = getMyInterface(subIf);



return info;


public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException


Enumeration<NetworkInterface> interfaces =


 while (interfaces.hasMoreElements())


NetworkInterface nif = interfaces.nextElement();






The following output provides many information from the NIC (Network Interface Card) of your system.



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