This article explains the Microsoft "Windows Phone App Studio Beta". Microsoft is currently pushing Windows Phones to their limits. Each day something new is coming to the Windows and Windows Phone market.
Windows Phone App Studio Beta
To keep the Windows Phone user friendly Microsoft has taken a new move. Microsoft is attempting to keep the user closer to their Windows Phone, or rather I can say Microsoft is making an attempt to transform all Windows Phone users to Windows Phone developers. This tool is evidence of that. You need just a few clicks to create an app for your Windows Phone. Now for any tool to be successful, it must satisfy some conditions, like it must be user friendly and it must be easily available, It must be free (at least for personal use), it must be powerful and at the same time easy to learn.
The following are some of the features of this tool:
- It is a web based tool so you don't need to worry about installation and downloading it to your local PC. This thing also makes it easy to manage your application from one place and access them from anywhere in the world.
- It is user friendly and easy to work with its interface, This is what we always expect from Microsoft .The interface of this tool is good enough to get you started in a few minutes. You can create your fully functioning app in very few clicks.
- No need to mess with any code. Yes! You don't need to worry about coding. This tool will handle all this. You need to just upload your data using GUI and code will be generated by the tool itself.
- Live preview support. Something that is interesting. You can check the live preview of your app on the web page itself. No need to download it to the phone for the look and feel.
- Powerful enough to suite most of your needs. This tool offers you twenty ready-made templates. What you need to do is just choose the template that suits you most and start building. Not only that if you have an idea that doesn't fit in any of template, no issue, you can start with an empty application.
- To enhance its power, Microsoft allows you to publish the app in the Windows Store. That means you can create your app and share it among your group or the world.
That's enough for now since this tool is still in the beta stage. More features may be added with time.
This web based tool is packed with some outstanding features and more is to come. I must say this tool is the first of its kind. This is something that will provide Windows Phone an advantage to others. In future articles I will explain the interface of app studio and how to create some apps So stay tuned!
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