The world is changing,
getting advanced, everyday a new technology is introduced and then we celebrate
them by applying into our real lives. Robots are the live example in this
growing technology. Here I am going to explain an example of robotic behavior
which contributes in cleaning garbage. Although it seems a very common
application but undoubtly very useful and a little bit difficult to apply. When
we talk about such kinds of applications we are talking about mobile robots. As
we all know that for motion, robots must have a mobile base so that they can
easily move in surroundings. It can be in form of wheels or legs as well. For
moving any object all we need is algorithm which is required to direct the
object. Here we will be using tricycle vehicle, it has three wheels one in front
and the rest two is in back. Now the main task of our tricycle vehicle is to
collect garbage which involves picking waste materials and put them into
container attached to them.
As the name suggests, it has
three wheels, the front wheel is known as the steering driven wheel and the two
back-wheels are known as passive wheels.
How it works?
As it is designed to work
automatically which involves automatic motion of wheels and an additional part
to collect the garbage, so we will use algorithm which can make the task
possible. Now the movement of this vehicle is done by using the above algorithm
now the next and the primary task is to collect the waste into the container,
our idea is that the robotic machine will move in an open space and when it
finds any waste will stop and collect that waste. Now the next part to think is
how it will come to know about the garbage spilled in front of it. Humans do it
by one of his sense organs so we should also provide our smart human being a
kind of sense organ. Here we use a sensor.
The main component of sensor node are a
microcontroller, transceiver, external-memory, power source and one or more
sensor. Sensors are of many types, here we will use passive Omni-directional
sensor. Now what our concept is that when this robotic machine will move in an
open area it will stop when its smart sense organ i.e. sensor will sense any
garbage or waste. The third feature of this smart device is vacuum-cleaner, to
collect the garbage into a container. The other end of vacuum-cleaner will be
attached to the container so that waste sucked by cleaner will dump into that
container directly. After collecting the the whole garbage the vehicle will move
further. The main components of the sensor panel are
controller, sensors, transceivers,power supply external memory and ADC,
microcontroller is commonly used as a controller
although we have other choices as well to use as controllers but they are
comparatively less economical and consume high power and less economical.
As a transceiver we can
use optical, radio frequency or infrared mode. Infrared requires no antenna but
its capacity is not as much effective as optical or radio transmission is.
Transceiver is a combination of transmitter and receiver. Transmit and receive
are the two important operational states which decide further working of garbage
collector. Rest is the ideal and sleep states. The transceivers which we use
nowadays are very advanced as they have in-built state machine which enables it
to do work automatically. try to avoid the ideal mode as it consumes equivalent
power as consumed by in transmit mode. The most relevant types of memories are
on-chip and flash memories, flash memories are preferable as they are economical
and have storage capacity. Power source is also required because sensor consumes
power to sense, communicate and process data. Generally, batteries and
capacitors are used .batteries can be both rechargeable and non-rechargeable.
public int[] currentcoords;
public void movement ()
currentcoords[0]=1000;// starting y coord
currentcoords[1]=1002;//starting x coord
public void moveTo(int x, int y)
Public void threadupdatingcoordinates()
//...periodically check for
source coord updates
//...between 100 ms and 500
ms apart.