In the real world, sometimes developers need to restrict a basic facility, like cut, copy and paste of a specific control. At that time you will need some easy way to stop these kinds of facilities.
To explain such implementation, I will use the following procedure.
Step 1
Create an ASP.Net Empty Website named "My Project".
![empty website]()
Step 2
Add a new web form named "Default.aspx" to it.
![web form]()
Step 3
Add a "TextBox" control in the page named "Default.aspx" .
Step 4
- On Cut: By this, you can disable the "Cut" facility in the "TextBox" Control.
Syntax: oncut= “return false”;
![return false]()
- On Copy: By this, you can disable the "Copy" facility in the "TextBox" Control.
Syntax: oncopy= “return false”;
- On Paste: By this, you can disable the "Cut" facility in the "TextBox" Control.
Syntax: onpaste= “return false”;
To disable all of them (Cut, Copy and Paste):
In this article, I have described how to restrict the user from using cut, copy and paste.
I hope this will be helpful for you.