SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS): Part 2- Deploying a Report


In this article we are going to see how to deploy a report created and executed using SSRS. Once the report design is completed, we can follow the steps below to deploy the report and use it online. Check for my previous article on how to create a basic report.


Once the report is created now we need to do some basic configuration as shown in the steps below.

Right click on the project name in the Solution Explorer and then select the Properties from the popup menu. You will see the window as shown in the screen below:

In the options available OverwriteDataSources make it always false since if there is already an available data source it will get overriden and close the existing data source.

Once we are done with this configuration and checking the options now we are in the process of deploying the application. For this go to the Solution Explorer and right click on it. There is an option given as Deploy, click on Deploy as shown in the screen below:

Clicking on the Deploy button will deploy the report and shows the output in the Output window at the bottom as shown in the output below.

Deploying to http://localhost/reportserver

Deploying data source '/Data Sources/AdventureWorksLT'.

Warning : Cannot deploy data source AdventureWorksLT to

the server because it already exists and OverwriteDataSources

is not specified.

Deploying report '/SSRS Sample/ReportDesignerExample'.

Deploy complete -- 0 errors, 1 warnings

== Build: 1 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==

== Deploy: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==

After successful deployment of the REPORT we can see the output in the browser window as shown in the screen below:

Note – this is a sample image, since IIS is not deployed in my system I wasn't able to take a screen shot of the report.

So we can navigate to the uri http://localhost/reportserver and check the report online.


So in this article we have seen on how to deploy the report and how to configure the deployment process. Hope this was useful, do let me know your comment on this article.

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