In today's article you will learn how to enable the Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service, so that it can be used by WCF for Port Sharing across multiple processes.
WCF has provided a new TCP based Network Protocol that is named "net.Tcp://", this protocol provides High Performance Communication. This also provides the "Net.Tcp Port Sharing Services" that is used to share the Net.Tcp Ports across multiple user's processes.
WCF uses a Windows Based Service to allow multiple processes to share the TCP Ports across each other, this Windows Service is named Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service. It is automatically installed when the WCF was installed, but it remains inactive for security reasons and so if you want to use it then it should be enabled manually before use.
Now I will tell you how to enable this service.
Step 1
First of all go to your "Start Menu", in the start menu search for "services.msc". This will search the services of Windows.
Step 2
Click on this link to open the services window. In the services window you will see all the services. whether they are Enabled, Disabled, Stopped or whatever.
Step 3
In these services search for the service named "Net.Tcp Port Sharing", you will find that it is currently Disabled.
Step 4
Now right-click on this Service and click on the "Properties".
Now it's Properties Window will be opened. In the Properties Window first of all select the "General Tab". In the General Tab you will find it's Startup Type as Disabled, drop down this startup type and select the Manual.
Step 5
After selecting the Startup Type as Manual click on the Apply button. After clicking on the Apply Button you will find that the Start Button is enabled so click on the "Start" Button to start the service.
Now Windows will attempt to start this service, and after a few seconds your service will be installed and will be ready to use it.