- Arduino
- 6v DC Motor
- PN2222 Transistor
- Diode
- 270 ohm Resistor
- led
- Bread Board
Led Connection
- Anode pin to the digital pin 13
- Cathode pin to the Gnd
DC Motor
DC Motor that converts the direct current electrical power to the mechanical power
PN2222 Transistor
It is used for low power amplifying and switching application
- int motor=3;
- int led=13;
- void setup()
- {
- pinMode(led,OUTPUT);
- pinMode(motor,OUTPUT);
- Serial.begin(9600);
- if(! Serial);
- Serial.println("Speed up to 0 to 255");
- }
- void loop()
- {
- if(Serial.available())
- {
- int speed=Serial.parseInt();
- if(speed >=0 && speed <=255)
- {
- digitalWrite(led,HIGH);
- }
- else {
- digitalWrite(led,LOW);
- }
- analogWrite(motor,speed);
- }
- }
Declare the variable as motor and led in int data type then move to the setup() function. In the setup function set the pinMode to the led and the motor led and motor as OUTPUT and set the BaudRate (9600); if (! Serial), then print the value in the serial monitor.
After that move to loop() function. Firstly, we want to check the Serial is available are not if it is means declare the speed variable and intialize Serial.parseInt(). The Serial.parseInt() is used to read the numbers entered as text in serial monitor and convert it to int data type and set the conditions.
- if(speed >=0 && speed <=255)
- {
- digitalWrite(led,HIGH); //led ON
- }
- else
- {
- digitalWrite(led,LOW); //led OFF
- }
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