Announcement for Windows Azure at Build : What is new ?

In BUILD, a couple of interesting stuff on Windows Azure got announced. They are as below,

Announcement for Windows Azure at Build

Windows Azure Toolkit for Windows 8


Announcement for Windows Azure at Build

It helps to create Metro style applications that may harness the capability of Windows Azure. This toolkit contains

  1. Application creation guidance
  2. Tooling support for Visual studio project template
  3. Code as reusable service and libraries

Toolkit supports

  1. HTML 5
  2. Javascript
  3. Net
  4. C#
  5. C++
  6. VB

Windows Azure SDK 1.5

Announcement for Windows Azure at Build

Windows Azure SDK 1.5 is getting the following updates,

  1. New Emulator for better adherence between local and cloud development
  2. Ability to upload service certificate to csupload.exe
  3. Enhance Windows Azure tools for development and debugging
  4. ASP.Net MVC 3.0 web roles
  5. Multiple service configurations in one cloud project
  6. Improved Windows Azure package to catch common errors

Windows Azure Storage

Announcement for Windows Azure at Build

Updated version is will have the below features

  1. Geo replication for Azure table and BLOB. This will replicate data between two locations.
  2. New version of REST API to enable functionality improvements for Windows Azure BLOB, Tables and Queues

Windows Azure Management API

Updated Windows Azure Management API having features as below

  1. Ability to roll back in progress configuration updates.
  2. Ability to roll back in progress service updates.
  3. Ability to perform multiple writes operation on ongoing deployment.
  4. More descriptive status for role instances
  5. New API method : Get Subscription

Windows Azure Marketplace

Announcement for Windows Azure at Build

  1. New Windows Azure Marketplace would be available in 25 different countries
  2. Microsoft Translator API will be available through Market Place
  3. Translator can translate in 35 different languages.

Service Bus

Announcement for Windows Azure at Build

  1. Improved pub/sub messaging by new features Queues
  2. Improved pub/sub messaging by new features Topics
  3. Improved pub/sub messaging by new features Subscriptions
  4. Improved pub/sub messaging by new features Rules
  5. Asynchronous cloud eventing
  6. Event driven Service Oriented architecture
  7. Advanced intra app messaging   

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