Create Hosted Service Using Windows Azure Management API

To create Hosted Service you need to perform a POST operation on the following URI. You need to change subscription id with your subscription Id.<subscription-id>/services/hostedservices
When making the request, the Request Header must contain information as below:

The Request Body must contain XML as the body. XML elements should be in the same order as mentioned below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
CreateHostedService xmlns="">

On successful creation of the hosted service, status code 201 will be returned. The response contains no body.

For more details read MSDN reference here

To create a hosted service I have created the following function. To create the service you need to pass the following parameters:

  1. Service Name : This is name of the service you want to create 
  2. Label : This is service label 
  3. Description : This is service description 
  4. Location : This is data center in which service will get deployed 
public  String CreateHostedService(String subscriptionId, String serviceName, String label, String description, String location)
     XDocument payload = CreatePayloadToCreateService(serviceName, label, description, location);
     string operationUri = ""+subscriptionId+"/services/hostedservices";
     String requestId = Invoke(payload,operationUri);
     return requestId;

In the preceding function I am calling two different functions. 

  1. One method to create payload. This payload will be passed as XML to perform POST operation 
  2. Invoke method will perform actual HTTP request to Windows Azure portal. 
The following function will create a payload and return as XML. LINQ to XML is being used to create the payload XML. 

       private XDocument CreatePayloadToCreateService(String serviceName, String label,String description, String location)
           String base64LabelName = ConvertToBase64String(label);
           XNamespace wa = "";
           XElement xServiceName = new XElement(wa + "ServiceName", serviceName);
           XElement xLabel = new XElement(wa + "Label", base64LabelName);
           XElement xDescription = new XElement(wa + "Description", description);
           XElement xLocation = new XElement(wa + "Location", location);
           //XElement xAffinityGroup = new XElement(wa + "AffinityGroup", affinityGroup);
           XElement createHostedService = new XElement(wa + "CreateHostedService");

           XDocument payload = new XDocument();
           payload.Declaration = new XDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", "no");
           return payload;

The other method used in the CreateHosetdService function was Invoke. This function is used to make HTTP requests to the Azure portal.

       public String Invoke(XDocument payload,string operationUri)
           HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = Helper.CreateHttpWebRequest(new Uri(operationUri), "POST");
           using (Stream requestStream = httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream())
               using (StreamWriter streamWriter =
               new StreamWriter(requestStream,
           String requestId;
           using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse())
               requestId = response.Headers["x-ms-request-id"];
           return requestId;

In this way you can create a hosted service. I hope this article is useful. Thanks for reading.

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