This is a detailed tutorial designed for coders who need to learn the Python programming language from scratch. In this course I will try to highlight many of Python's capabilities and features. Python is an easy-to-learn programming language.
Your First Program
Expressions are the same as with other languages as in the following:
Variables are not tied to a memory location like in C. They are dynamically typed.
elif statement
PS: There is no “switch” statement.
The while statement
The for statement
for i in [3, 4, 10, 25]:
print i
Tuples are like lists, but the size is fixed at the time of creation.
f = (2,3,4,5) # A tuple of integers
# Return a+b
def Sum(a,b):
s = a+b
return s
# Now use it
a = Sum(2,5) # a = 7
f = open("foo","w") # Open a file for writing
g = open("bar","r") # Open a file for reading
"r" Open for reading
"w" Open for writing (truncating to zero length)
"a" Open for append
"r+" Open for read/write (updates)
"w+" Open for read/write (with truncation to zero length)
Examples of string processing functions
string.atof(s) # Convert to float
string.atoi(s) # Convert to integer
string.atol(s) # Convert to long
string.count(s,pattern) # Count occurrences of pattern in s.