Installing Android SDK Tools in Windows XP

You need these applications to install the Android SDK Tools:

Let's Start the Installation process

First of all, you need to install the JDK 1.6 (Standard Edition) because Android SDK lies on it.

Second, you need to start the Android SDK installer. The first screen you may see, looks like this:android sdk installation

android sdk installation

It's a welcome screen; click Next.

jdk not found

You'll see the above window, if you didn't install the JDK. It may be seen, even you have installed JDK, in some cases, if so, then there is no need to worry about this rubbish, just go Back and press Next again.

jdk found

The mess is then gone; press Next. Now, you'll see the following window as shown in the following image:

select destination folder

Select the destination folder for installation and press Next.

choose start menu folder

Click Install; the installation process is started.

android sdk installation start

After a few seconds, the following window is shown:

android sdk installation complete

Press Next.

android sdk installation finish

If you are seeing the above window, that means that you have successfully installed the Android SDK Tools.
Click Finish to start SDK Manager to download system images and other stuffs.

refresh sources

When sources are refreshed, you'll see this window

choose package to install

Choose packages, click Install. Now, packages will be downloaded and installed.

You can also see available packages to be download by clicking on Available packages in the left panel, as shown in following image

available packages

And Installed packages could be seen by clicking on Installed packages. Update and delete options are available for installed packages.

installed packages

Now, it's the time to create an AVD; select Virtual devices and click on the New button.

virtual devices

You'll see a new window, as follows

create new avd

Fill the information- AVD Name, Target Version, SD Card Size, etc. according to your need and press Create AVD. A few seconds later, you'll see the following message:

message- avd created

If everything is going correctly, you can see that a new AVD is available in the list.

Android virtual devices list

Now, select AVD and press Start. The following Launch Options are shown.

avd launch options

Press Launch. If there is no error, the following window will appear and hide automatically; that means that the AVD is started. Otherwise, you'll receive any error message.

starting android emulator

Now, the emulator is ready to run. Locate the "emulator-arm.exe" in the Android installation folder, as follows:

locate emulator-arm.exe

Open a command prompt and go to the directory, where "emulator-arm.exe" resides. Use the following command to run the emulator:
emulator-arm @<avd-name>

For example: emulator-arm @myavd

emulator-arm @<avd-name />

After some time the emulator is started up.

emulatro started

And you'll see the Home Screen.

Android home screen

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