Object Initializer in C#

Let us play around with some new features of C# 3.0 or above and you can say .Net framework 3.0 and above, like Object initializer, implicitly typed variables, extension methods, anonymous types, object initializer, Collection initializer, and automatic properties.

Let's start with Object and collection initializes.

Just refer to the following code of style. Definitely all .Net coders are aware of these lines.

public class Customer
    private int _customerID;
    private string _companyName;
    private Phone _phone;
    public int CustomerID
        get { return _customerID; }
        set { _customerID = value; }
    public string CompanyName
        get { return _companyName; }
        set { _companyName = value; }
    public Phone Phone
        get { return _phone; }
        set { _phone = value; }

public class Phone
    private string _countryCode;
    public string CountryCode
        get { return _countryCode; }
        set { _countryCode = value; }

    private string _areacode;
    public string AreaCode
        get { return _areacode; }
        set { _areacode = value; }
    private string _phonenumber;
    public string AreaCode
        get { return _phonenumber; }
        set { _phonenumber = value; }


Regular method of initializing an instance of the Customer class.

 Phone oPhone = new Phone();
 oPhone.CountryCode = "+91";
 oPhone.AreaCode = "0999";
 oPhone.PhoneNumber = "999999";

 Customer oCustomer = new Customer();
 oCustomer.CustomerID = 101;
 oCustomer.CompanyName = "oTest Corporation";
 oCustomer.Phone = oPhone; 

By taking advantage of Object Initializers an instance of the Customer class

Customer nCustomer = new Customer()
     CustomerID = 102,
     CompanyName = "nTest Corporation",
     Phone = new Phone()
         CountryCode = "+91",
         AreaCode = "09999",
         PhoneNumber = "999999"

We do not need to take care of performance issues. Because in the execution time, both samples make sample IL code. So both samples give sample performance.

Next time we will look into automatic property.

Happy coding

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