Why Is My Windows 10 So Slow

Have you been running Windows 10 for a while and suddenly notice a major performance issue? Does your Windows 10 machine seem slow?
Windows 10 has auto-update downloads enabled by default. Which means every time a new Windows 10 update is pushed by Microsoft, your computer will get the upload. To get the upload, your computer first must download it and sometimes the download size could be really large, like in GBs. To check if your PC is being upgraded, go to Windows Update and see if updates are being downloaded.
Windows 10 is a space hog.
Not only does the update take time to download but Windows 10 keeps your old OS in a different folder. Windows 10 also installs other apps and caches tons of data. To fix this, check your space and delete all apps you don't need, clear some cache and trash. If you still need more space, find the old Windows folder and remove it.
Good luck! 

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