Security in .NET.

This article has been excerpted from book "The Complete Visual C# Programmer's Guide" from the Authors of C# Corner.

This article addresses the security aspects of assemblies, which are the building blocks of .NET Framework applications. They form the fundamental unit of deployment, version control, reuse, activation scope, and security authorization. This last aspect, security authorization, is the focal point of this article.

Microsoft took a big stride toward improved configuration and maintenance of software systems by allowing administrators rather than developers to determine the permissions a segment of code should have at runtime. Now such decisions fall under the domain of professionals who really know the runtime environment. 

During installation of a new application in the Windows Operating System (OS), the setup package may overwrite existing shared dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) to update the module. (Of course, well-designed installation programs prompt you about duplicate file names.) The overwriting occurs because you cannot have multiple versions of DLLs in a shared environment. This often causes existing applications to function incorrectly because they may depend on a specific version of the shared DLL, which may have been overwritten! The most recently installed version of the shared DLL can overwrite a previously installed yet more current version. The version most recently installed prevails for all of the installed applications referencing that DLL module, potentially causing enormous problems for administrators. 

The C# compiler processes your source code and produces Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) assembly files. Additionally, it embeds metadata in your assemblies. The .NET metadata is merely a cluster of information, specifically, the declared types, methods, fields, properties, and events implemented in the files of the assembly, made persistent in binary data. The metadata is always embedded in the same executable file and DLL as the MSIL code. For example, the metadata contains reference data to find the actual code for every implemented method that the common language runtime (CLR) uses. 

Not surprisingly, in the .NET Framework, assemblies are also versioned like DLLs that are based on the Component Object Model (COM). However, multiple versions of an assembly can coexist on the same computer without causing trouble. This allows applications to run with the assemblies they were built with. Assemblies contain all the metadata related to them, so no separate files are necessary to describe the contents of an assembly. 

As with COM+, the .NET Framework code that accesses computing resources must be assigned permission to use those resources. The system administrator can configure security policies to grant access to resources based on the caller's identity and the origin of the code. For example, suppose you develop code that accesses any registry key. At execution time, the framework requests Security in .NET 711 IUnknown IInterface1 permission to access the registry. This way the system can make sure that the assembly in which the executed program exists has permission to access the registry key. 

Formerly, all applications installed on a computer had to be registered before they could be used. Most installation programs not only copy files to the computer but also add various information to the registry and create various hard settings needed to uninstall that application later. 

It is safe to say that we have reached the end of the COM+ era and the beginning of the .NET era. With the advent of .NET Framework, we no longer need to develop COM+ components unless they are truly necessary in order to interact with legacy applications. Of course, we will still use legacy COM+ components with our current Web services and other .NET applications during the migration to .NET applications. 

Figure 22.1 depicts the typical way of exposing a COM+ component interface via the .NET framework. You can use any .NET client application, such as a Web service in which the .NET client application itself is a server application, to expose the component interface. In other words, the .NET client application (Web service) is an intermediary application to the actual COM+ component or server. 


Figure 22.1: Client Access Through Runtime Callable Wrapper 

The runtime callable wrapper (RCW) of .NET wraps the COM+ components' exposed interfaces. The RCW mediates between the COM+ component and the CLR. RCW exposes the COM+ components to .NET clients as if they were native .NET components. RCW exposes the .NET clients to COM+ components as if they were standard COM clients. 

As a .NET client developer, you can generate the RCW using either Visual Studio .NET (VS.NET) or the command-line-based type library import utility of the .NET software development kit (SDK). With the VS.NET approach, you add a COM+ reference to your active project; with the .NET SDK approach, you use a command-line tool called tlbimp.exe. 

To install an application within the .NET Framework, you just copy the application's files into a directory on the client computer. There are two assembly types in .NET: private and public. You usually copy the private assemblies to the application installation directory. Any subfolder within the installation directory is also an appropriate place for private assemblies. You can uninstall private assemblies by deleting them from the local directory. You install shared public assemblies either to the global assembly cache (GAC) or to another global location on the computer disk. When any client application wants to reference and use those classes in a public (shared) or private assembly, it consults its configuration files to locate and then load the shared or private assembly. If the desired assembly cannot be found in the client application's configuration files, the application has the option of searching the system's configuration files. 

The manifest information cluster is the most significant part of an assembly. The manifest of an assembly contains the following metadata information:

  • Assembly name: a textual string name of the assembly. IDispatch .NET client application (e.g., a Web service) RCW Your aging COM+ component
  • Version information: a major and minor version number, a revision number, and a build number. Version information is used by the CLR to enforce version policy. It defines which version of the assembly is loaded and run when an assembly is referenced from an application.
  • Strong-name information: a cryptographic identifier, which the author of the assembly provides, and the public key of the publisher, which is used to create the strong-name signature for the assembly.
  • Culture information: the culture information that the assembly supports.
  • List of all files in the assembly: a hash of each file that was present when the manifest was built and the relative path to the files. The list also contains the simple name, public key, and versioning information of each dependent assembly.
  • Type reference list: a list that identifies supported types.

Figure 22.2 depicts the differences between single-file and multifile assemblies. In some instances, the manifest actually resides inside an assembly. 


Figure 22.2: Single-file (XXX) and Multifile (ZZZ) Assemblies and Their Manifests 


Hope this article would have helped you in understanding Security in .NET. See other articles on the website on .NET and C#.

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The Complete Visual C# Programmer's Guide covers most of the major components that make up C# and the .net environment. The book is geared toward the intermediate programmer, but contains enough material to satisfy the advanced developer.

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