In this article, I would like to show the Datepart Function in SQL Server. The Datepart Function is a built-in function. The Datepart Function returns a portion or single part of a SQL Server Datetime field. So let's have a look at a practical example of how to use a Datepart Function in SQL Server 2012. The example is developed in SQL Server 2012 using the SQL Server Management Studio.
The Datepart Function
The SQL Server Datepart function returns a portion of a SQL Server Datetime field.
The syntax of the Datepart built-in date function is as follows :
DATEPART ([Date part], [Datetime])
Here, the <Date part> parameter is the part of the datetime. Datetime is the name of a SQL Server Datetime field and portion is one of the following:
Ms Milliseconds
Yy Year
Qq Quarter of the Year
Mm Month
Dy The Day of the Year
Dd Day of the Month
Wk Week
Dw The Day of the Week
Hh Hour
Mi Minute
Ss Second
Example 1
Select getdate() as CurrentDate
Select datepart(Yy, getdate()) As Year
Select datepart(Mm, getdate()) As Month
Select datepart(Dd, getdate()) As Month
Select datepart(Wk, getdate()) As Week
Select datepart(Dw, getdate()) As [Day of the Week]
Select datepart(Dy, getdate()) As [Day of the Year]
Select datepart(Hh, getdate()) As Hour
Select datepart(Mi, getdate()) As Minute
Select datepart(Ss, getdate()) As Second
Example 2
Now I want to check that date was in AM or PM with Datepart function.
Select getdate() as CurrentDate
Select case
when datepart( hour, getdate()) < 12 then 'It''s AM'
else 'It''s PM'
end 'Date'