Button Chaser Program

Here is a fun program which causes the user to chase a button around the screen. The title bar captures the mouse coordinates and the screen colon changes.

Source Code:

private void MouseMoveHandler(Object sender,MouseEventArgs e)
int i;
double d_change;
this.Text = "Mouse Move x-Coordinate = " + e.X.ToString() + " y-Coordinate = " + e.Y.ToString() + " " + s_color;
if(((e.X >= (b_x-2)) && (e.X <= (b_x + b_x_len))) || ((e.Y >= (b_y-2)) && (e.Y <= (b_y + b_y_len))))
n_amount = n_amount + 1000;
if (n_amount > 1000000)
n_amount = 1000;
sb_text = "click here and will $" + n_amount.ToString();
b_x = generateRandomNumber.Next() % (600 - b_x_len);
b_y = generateRandomNumber.Next() % (600 - b_y_len);
i = generateRandomNumber.Next() % 140;
d_change = n_amount % 10000;
if (d_change == 0)
this.BackColor = color[i];
s_color = color[i].ToString();
this.button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(b_x, b_y);
this.button1.Name = "button1";
this.button1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(b_x_len, b_y_len);
this.button1.TabIndex = 0;
this.button1.Text = sb_text;
catch (Exception ex)

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