This article tells you how to create your own class with some function in it and how to call these functions from main.
1. Creating your class : This is how my class mcCalculator look like. Its has five functions besides constructor and destructor called Add, Subtract, Devide ( spell mistake ) , Multiply, and DisplayOutVal. As you can see from their names, these functions adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides correspondingly and stores result in a private variable iOutVal which is called by DisplayOutVal to display the result.
public class mcCalculator
private int iOutVal;
//Default constructor
public mcCalculator()
iOutVal = 0;
public mcCalculator(int iVal1 )
iOutVal = iVal1 ;
iOutVal = 0;
public void displayiOutVal()
Console.WriteLine("iOutVal = {0}", iOutVal);
// this function adds two values and saves in iOutVal
public void add(int iVal1, int iVal2 )
iOutVal = iVal1 + iVal2 ;
// this function subtracts one from other and saves in iOutVal
public void subtract(int iVal1, int iVal2 )
iOutVal = iVal1 - iVal2 ;
// this function multiplyies two values and saves in iOutVal
public void Multiply(int iVal1, int iVal2 )
iOutVal = iVal1 * iVal2 ;
// this function devides one value from other and saves in iOutVal
public void Devide(int iVal1, int iVal2 )
iOutVal = iVal1 / iVal2 ;
2. Calling your class from Main : Now call mcCalculator from main. First create instance of mcCalculator and then call its member functions.
// Main Program
class mcStart
public static void Main()
mcCalculator mcCal = new mcCalculator(50);
mcCal.add(12, 23 );
mcCal.subtract( 24, 4 );
mcCal.Multiply( 12, 3 );
mcCal.Devide( 8, 2 );
3. Don't forget to call using System; as first line of your file.
Quick Method: Download attached file second.cs and run from command line csc second.cs.