How to create PDF?😀

How to use C# to create PDF Documents with no coding:

  1. Download easyPDF SDK.
  2. Run the easyPDF Action Center.
  3. From the programming languages option, select C#.
  4. As an option: select the document type you want to create PDF from. This will give you the best PDF documents.
  5. As an option: customize the features and properties you want in your output PDF.
  6. Now, just download a sample C# App to create PDF.
  7. Or download C# code and include I in your App to create PDF.
  8. Or download a C# project.
  9. That’s it. You have made a C# App to create PDF without reading any manual or writing any code.

Here are the benefits of using C# with easy PDF SDK.

  • Convert printable documents to PDF at high speed.
  • Run your C# PDF creation App on 64-bit versions of Windows Server 2003 / 2008 / Vista / 7
  • Create PDF/A Standard for long term archiving of electronic documents.
  • Create PDF/X Standard for exchange of print-ready PDF files in printing/advertising industries.
  • Create PDF from XPS using C# dot net framework 3.0 or later
  • Automatically create CSS-driven HTML pagination when you create PDF from HTML (smarter page break, developers can also manually control whether they want to have a page break or not).
  • Automatically handle any exception or error message in your C# code that may occur in converting HTML and Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio) to PDF.
  • Configure your PDF by applying features such as Font Embedding & Subsetting, Image compression, Metadata, PDF Security (e.g. set permission to print, edit), Digital Signature & Stamping, Watermark, PDF Viewer setting.
  • Control PDF settings such as graphic resolution & scaling, paper orientation & size, printer color.

Here is a C# Code Snippet to create PDF (if you want to write your own code):

15 ...
16 Type type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("easyPDF.Loader.8");
17 Loader oLoader = (Loader)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
19 Printer oPrinter = (Printer)oLoader.LoadObject("easyPDF.Printer.8");
21 PrintJob oPrintJob = oPrinter.PrintJob;
22 oPrintJob.PrintOut(Server.MapPath(@".\input.doc"), Server.MapPath(@".\output.pdf"));
23 ...

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