How To Use Timer Control In PowerApps


In this article, you will see how to create an app from a template and use Timer Control in PowerApps. Refer to getting started with PowerApps and Flow for more details.

Here, I am going to create an app using ”Employee Engagement Survey” template and set 30 second durations using Timer Control for each question. After 30 seconds, you will be automatically redirected or moved on to the next question.

Create an app from a template

In this section, you will see how to create an app from a template.

  1. Open PowerApps studio for the web in a browser.
  2. Select Phone layout from App templates.

    Timer Control in PowerApps
  1. Select Employee Engagement Survey template and then click "Use".

    Timer Control in PowerApps
  1. The app is finally created successfully from a template.

    Timer Control in PowerApps

Add and Configure Timer Control:

In this section, you will see how to add and configure Timer Control.

  1. Select Question_1, click Insert tab, and then select Timer from Controls.

    Timer Control in PowerApps
  1. Similarly, add a Label to Question_1.

    Timer Control in PowerApps
  1. Select Label and update the Text property with - “You will be moved to next question in: " & RoundUp(30-Timer1.Value/1000, 0) & " sec".

    Timer Control in PowerApps
  1. Select Timer Control and set the Duration property to 3000 and AutoStart property to true.

    Timer Control in PowerApps

    Timer Control in PowerApps
  1. Select Timer Control, select OnTimerEnd, and Enter “Navigate(Question_2, ScreenTransition.Fade)” in the formula bar.

    Timer Control in PowerApps
  1. Select Timer Control and set the Visible property to false.

    Timer Control in PowerApps
  1. Repeat the above steps for other questions.

Testing the app

  1. Hit F5 and go to Question 1 screen. After 30 seconds, you will be automatically redirected or moved to the next question.

    Timer Control in PowerApps



Thus, in this article, you saw how to create an app from a template and use Timer Control in PowerApps.

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